Sunday, June 13, 2021

"Failure" can feel like "losing" and "loss". Realizing something's value through loss is a true "fortune"

Yesterday was Katori-kun's 50th birthday event!!!




It was a wonderful time with many laughs as well as tears〜

Children't book author Nobumi-kun's crowdfunding has begun! 

This story of the panda is so so cute〜〜〜〜


↓↓↓Looking forward to your support of this〜〜〜↓↓↓



Katori-kun's seminar ☆゜:*:・゜

What I received was・・・

Mangos 〜〜〜

A flower shop owner from Mie also joined〜

Does anyone have the group photos we took〜〜〜


I only have this one, but its so small

you can't tell who's who (lol) 

After this, I met up with 

Keisuke Oshima

Shungo Ooyama

and Katsuhiro Okazaki 

And I met even more wonderful people! 

Thank you so much!  



A friend sent me this from 




People things as "failure" 

as "loss" and "losing"

Nobody wants that!!

The only reason why you can say you failed

 is because you took up the challenge! 


There is nothing that is yours forever 

to begin with. 

Aren't there things, and people 

that you realized the importance of after you lost it? 

What stays with you forever is the fact that "you realized" 

their importance. 


There is hardly anything that will stay with you 

as a specific shape

Success, failure 

is only felt because you compare with others


But your existence is so special 

that you can't be compared with anyone else. 



From Mr. Hiramoto's mail magazine




Especially in times like this, have your own axis! 

What kind of life do you truly want to live? 


Think about the past, present and future 

in these 8 different areas 


①Fun, entertainment and play?

②Clothing, food/housing, living environment?

③Health, Beauty, Physical condition? 

④Your work and contribution to others?

⑤The income you want? 

⑥Friends, human relationships? 

⑦Family and people important to you? 

⑧Personal growth and learning? 


In each area, 

if you had absolutely no limits, 

how do you want your life to be? 

If you want to know more details, check out this book〜〜〜





Drone delivery has begun in Japan too〜

Details on how Instagram works -post display criteria and the ranking mechanism


💬muze---a new messenger app that is popular among Gen Z 

When you start using it, a white canvas screen shows up, and each person adds information to that screen.....

There's no point in thinking 

Is this fun? Isn't it hard to use? lol

I feel like there are strong aspects of communication more than just a messaging app. 

🌐Sequoia and other well known VC's interested in Muze, a free form canvas messaging app

🌐Future form, the message app that Gen Z is crazy about is a bit too free spirited


↓↓↓About after old age ・・・↓↓↓

老人ホームの食事を拒否「超絶自己中老人」が幸せな最期を迎えた理由 (現代ビジネス)今回は元会社経営者をご主人に持つAさんのお話です。Aさんの亡きご主人は、終戦後、兄弟で食品卸業を興しました。その後、事業は順調に伸び、今では、多くの店舗を持つ食品スーパーへ成長していリンク



Grateful for everyone in each region!

This event for mothers!
A must attend

A nice young man〜〜〜


Awajishima is so attractive〜

"island life"

Awaji Island Tourism promotion video  #1


In order for people to become conscious of their own beliefs, 

hearing others perspectives is necessary. 

The more I read Takumi's books, the more I realize the huge amounts of beliefs I have. 

The learning today I excerpted from this book "SUGOI! Way of Learning" that is perfect for those who love to learn! 





【SUGOI!Way of Learning】(from page 144)

" The problem is not the problem. The problem is in your past that causes you to recognize that thing as a problem" 

What are the problems in the past? 

They are the refractive emotions that you believed at that time. 

"I definitely couldn't do that"  

"That isn't worth doing" 

"There's no point in doing it" 

"No one will come to save me" 

...all those negative emotions that spill out. 

At times like those, 

there are people who give advice like "Well, you can think of it like this too, right?" 

In moments like these, it's like the thread that was all tangled up is suddenly cut and you realize "That's true!" 

These are moments that can change your beliefs. The moments where the color of the paint changes. 

Because these beliefs are what shape your life. 

So that's why when your beliefs change, your life changes" 

Why I chose this. 


It's good to listen to people who give good analogies, 

and when the analogies are good, it makes the book feel eaiser to read. 

What "color of the paint" that's written here is extremely easy for me to grasp and visualize. 

The "black" emotions within me that I wasn't aware of until now, 

the moment I recognize them as "black", they can change into a pure "white". 

When I read his books or listen to his talks, 

there are so many moments when I become aware of new perspectives I hadn't seen until then 

This book "SUGOI! Way of Learning" 

will continue to change "the paint colors of your emotions" into vivid and wonderful colors. 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s