Friday, May 28, 2021

Why not try writing your "100 dreams" on paper?!


I was contacted by a friend in China, that I'm introduced in this book. 


The name of the book is・・・

"Live healthy for 10 more years" 

The author is Taiwanese 李智贵 Sensei

In the book it talked about how he went to Taiwan, 

Takumi Yamazaki was in a big hall as a guest speaker. 

He talked about writing down your dreams. 

A list of 100 dreams. 

He said he went home and wrote down "100 dreams" 

Among those "100 dreams" ・・・

one was "to write a book" 

and that led to this current book. 

My friend was happy about my influence! 

I'm so happy to hear that. 

I received this message and and thought I 

will try writing out another "100 dreams" once again. 

When I was 20 and attended a seminar, I was told to write out 100 dreams 

and I did it. 

But at that time, I could barely write even 30

and added to "go overseas" 

 "I want to go to America" 

"I want to go to France"

"I want to go to Africa" 

"I want to go to India" 

Once I reached over 70, 

I felt I reached a limit and started writing things that weren't even my dreams, 

and barely reached 100. 

However, once I wrote them down, 

they would come true one by one, 

and learned the importance of writing out my dreams. 

I hope you can try it and experience it for yourself too. 

I'll try doing it again too〜♪


Tracy Chapman's "I like Fast Cars"・・・




My friend (Aki Takeda) is sending out this free video.

【Available to watch only until June 1st (Tue)】


Even though your put so much thought into 

and are passionate about your product or service

because you aren't good at talking, 

you struggle to get your message across. 

I will create the branding for your speaking and 

bring your unique personality to the fore for 

teachers, consultants and therapists, healers and solopreneurs 

whose sales isn't going well. 

I can help your customers to find you and become your fan 

"How to speak to attract people" 

I can help you sell your products that costs 300-500 thousand yen 

If you want your customers to say "I want to meet you again" 

Please watch this video. 


How to speak to attract people ”Brand・Talk Method”

↓ ↓ ↓

【Available only until June 1st (Tues) 】



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s