Friday, April 30, 2021

Latest on Tik Tok


YouTube is already for professional use. 

It's Instagram. 

And now・・・

It's said that Tik Tok will be the new Instagram in like 3 years. 


 TikTok の 山崎拓巳/夢実現プロデューサー

@yamazakitakumi37 4654 フォロワー、0 フォロー、29.0k いいね - 山崎拓巳/夢実現プロデューサーの投稿動画を楽しみましょうリンク


The current state of YouTube that is becoming more and more professionalized 

"There are more rivals and the number of views are going down" 


 Takaaki Ishibashi's channel is created by professional director Makkoi Saito who teamed up with TV programs for many years. 

貴ちゃんねるずタカさんが興味あることを全てノリでやっちゃうチャンネル 「貴ちゃんねるず」 タカさんと、YouTubeで遊ぼう。 ---------------------------------------------------- 🔥Ku-Wa de MOMPE "Stranger to the city" iTunes store等、音楽ダウンロードストアで販売中 …リンク

 The change of "THE FIRST TAKE"



Projects that are closely related to real life grow. 

For people in their 20's and 30's, Youtube and Instagram has become "a place to find what they need" 

If you aim to get an audience rating, 

you end up making something for the older generation・・・


After the 2000's, the internet beame more and more popular amongst the young people, and target demographic of TV program audience continued to go up. 

Eventually, the idea that "If you use the internet you can makeCM's with specific audiences" started becoming popularized 




The rules of compliance are becoming stricter. 

"Because its time for the TV stations to stick it out, they need to value their staff" 

Now is the time, if ever, for the TV stations to value the creators that can create unique content. 

まだYouTubeを軽く見る人が知らない地殻変動 | テレビ漫才コンビ・キングコングの梶原雄太氏がYouTubeチャンネル『カジサックの部屋』を立ち上げた2018年を境に、芸能人の参入も増え、YouTuberの競争が激化した。プロの作家や編集チームを抱えるチャンネルもあり、全…リンク





Nakamura Shindo and Kaito recreate the world of "The Boxer" 

A perfectly trained body and true acting fatigue 

LINE manga "The Boxer" new CM the making and interviews 




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s