Thursday, January 28, 2021

There is no correct answer after corona. The biggest danger= "doing nothing" Important to continue "experimenting"





How to live in this Corona Era !!!






・There is no "correct answer" of how to live after corona! 

・Biggest danger=staying still 


 Cuz nothing will happen.

   There's no growth 

・Keep on moving! Take action! Increase what you do!

 It's like an untouched quick quiz. 

   It's most uncool to start thinking and not pressing the button. 

What is important is "experimenting"


1)Don't waste time 

  Invest it 


  A survey showed that half the people had decreased income and the other half increased their income. 

   The people who changed their "time" for money, their income decreased. 

   The people who changed "value" into money their income increased. 


2)Connect with customers directly. 


  Can you do something through direct selling?! 

      Create passionate fans! 

     Internet shop 

     Communicate it through your blog! 


3)Make active choices, not passive ones 


 Hanging out with relatives and company colleagues (passive)

 Use online salons etc. to decide who you hang out with (active) 

4)Reduce fixed costs. Slim down. 

    Rent. Employment



The true identity of the genius "25 year old self made billionaire that Japanese don't about know yet. 

日本人はまだ知らない… 世界が注目する「25歳の自力億万長者」の天才すぎる正体 (現代ビジネス)長らく世界一の大富豪と言えば、アマゾン創業者のジェフ・ベゾス氏だった。しかし株価急騰により、テスラ共同創業者およびCEOのイーロン・マスク氏がトップの座に取って代わったことが、今年に入リンク

LiDAR企業のLuminar上場!株価急上昇、自動運転の「目」を開発自動運転の目の役割を果たす「LiDAR」(ライダー)開発する米Luminar Technologiesが、米ナスダック市場に上場した。ティッカーシンボル(証券コード)は「LAZR」で、2020年12月3日に上場した。リンク






Jeremy is American. 

He founded Uber Eats in Japan🙋‍♂️
Click here for coverage/anonymous question box! 



He's incredible〜〜〜♪






Thank you "LINE video talk" 


Grateful to everyone in each region!

Thank you Mikami-san! 

Had a fun time〜〜〜

Vietname Lunch!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s