Thursday, January 21, 2021

I joined a 3 day marketing seminar. Here's what I learned!


I attended a 3 day seminar 

A total of 

10 hours x 3 days 

30 hours?! 

Wow, it was so concentrated and rich! 

Instead of just writing everything here, 

I'll pick out the parts that I think will be useful to you,

and the parts that I want to implement. 


These are my notes!!!

Marketin is 


It is "leading" the customers・・・


Under the effects of Corona

many people are wondering 

What to do〜

What to do 〜

Why do we work? 


Have you been able to put into words 

why things are going well 

and why things are not? 

Have you verbalized it?


1)Focus on what can be implemented!!!Complete focus!!!

  Increase "can's" 

      Let's try this! 

      Let's try that! 

     Increase what you try 

   by increasing what you learn and know!!!


2)Keep an open mind as you take notes!!!

  Open the door of your heart. 

      and open your heart to the possibilities 〜♪


3)Deepen your understanding together with your mastermind (your team) 


4)Learn repeatedly 

  We are programmed hierarchically 

     It will come up again later. 

     Ohh〜 so this means that! We realize later on 

and that deepens our learning 


5)Repeated participation!!!

  If you come again, things look different !


  The forgetting curve (Ebbinghaus)

  We need at least 3 times! 6 times with your team! 

      This proves the importance of "regular meetings" 

       Meetings are for the purpose of "not forgetting" 



"Verbalize" your reason for participation!!!


(For those reading through the blog, try verbalizing "Why do you read Takumi Yamazaki's blog?") 



Alice in Wonderland 




"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"

"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.

"I don't much care where--" said Alice.

"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

"--so long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation.

"Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."


If you don't have a goal, a

you can't choose the path!!!


The importance of "future vision" cannot be overstated!!!










Marketing is?!




1)Product (What is your product? What are you selling?!) 

2)Price (How much are you selling it for?)

3)Place(Where are you selling it?)

4)Promotion (How will you promote and spread it? ) 




Try to explain with these 4 C's what you want to 

communicate through your business ・・・

Please try it!



1)Providing an opportunity for a new form of income 

2)It's only a matter of switching where you buy your daily necessities, so it costs 0 yen

3)You can buy it online so it's possible to  buy it anywhere in the world 

4)Mainly through word of mouth and introduction 


Implement the PDCA cycle. 

Repeat trial and error!!!


Plan: Create a plan 



Again (Act) !!!


Whether you can take massive action ?!



Calculate backwards from the goal!


4P also had problems with it 

It was invented in 1960. 

An era where if you made it it would sell 

The 4P  is a way of thinking of the seller

4C is from the viewpoint of the consumer !!!




Customer value 







Moral Engagement 

Bantoku Philosophy 


A diagram where the person selling 

and the person buying are not in conflict, 

rather they are facing the same direction

A diagram where they are both facing a good future for eachother. 


What does the other person want?

What can I do for the other person ?


A unique value proposition 

Why you? 



An attractive offer they can't refuse 

Expanding collaboration and opportunities 

If that person says so then・・・


Create ties=Repeat


Moral engagement is 

because you always do "good things" for the other person 

they want to continue to be with you 

Create ties based on virtue 

A connection that you are connected from the heart 


Society needs your company to exist! 


Moral→Do good

Ethical→Don't do bad things


Bantoku Management is・・・



Treat them like "clients" 

You are in a position to protect your customers 


In the Greek/Roman era 

Clientes (client) meant under the protection of

Patrones (Patron)meant like family 



Deepening the bonds with your fans (believers) 

Cannot think of doing business without you・・・



Father of Japanese capitalism 

True wealth if not based on morality 

will never last long 


Peter Drucker (The father of management) said 

The essence of management is nothing but responsibility 

Making the workers happy and 

providing them with a better life by 

 A high social philosophy 

A high level of rational management 


Unique value     PRODUCT 


Increase social contribution 





*Next is about the "strategy" !!!





Oh! Here's a different Alice〜〜〜♪

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s