【Future predictions for 2040 ①】
Who will be successful in the coming era(Predictions for 2040)
Future predictions for 2040
Why are future predictions necessary?
New technology
Will create new jobs!
The companies that take the lead in that
takes the lead in the world 。。。
Always rebels before spreading
example) camera
People used to be afraid of cameras!
Example) Movie → People said plays are better〜
example) TV games →Now its natural
Those who were against the new technology eventually disappeared
the world forgets those who rebel
this is why predictions are necessary !
Let us predict 2040!
Progression in technology
2030 6G will become available!
It comes/upgrades every 10 years〜♪
×10 times
Takes time to spread
Will likely take at least 5 years〜〜〜
2025・・・ For 5G to penetrate perfect /automatic driving etc.
By 2030 there will be lots more 5G tech available, un-manned registers etc.
VR and AR as well
ZOOM will be able to do real time interpreting
IoTis also coming (Internet of Things)
Smart watch to check our vitals, sleep and payments
2 per person →1000 per person (used for multiple things....)
Smart speakers
Massive amounts of information
Personal credit score What type of person are you?! A score system!
Collapse of TV and newspaper
TV will be for press and sports!
The device we consider TV today・・・
From 2025 TV's will disappear
and will switch to VR and AR glass
No longer from local stations
Japan's decline
Japan is
already poor Travelers →Come to Japan because its cheaper
Not because of the hospitality
GDP Per person is?!→ 33rd place
Decrease in population Economy grows as the population grows
If it decreases it spells the end of an economy
2040 only half the population will be able to work
Protecting assets
Wasteful insurance We are paying too much
Pension Tough Will need to work until 70
20M yen issue Invest! Learn!
Low interest rates for deposits It won't increase!
Things are looking quite grim!
Invest!!!Firmly! Stable!
Collapse of the countryside Population and taxes
Tax income doesn't grow →Cannot maintain the public services
Local banks →Collapse Low interest rates
Collapse of Universities
"Population" and "Communication (=The amount of data that is able to be sent)"
Risk and measures
Disaster risk
Disasters will come!
Climate change (=global warming) typhoon and natural disasters
Earthquakes Nankai Trough, directly under the city 70% that it will happen within 30 years
Explosion of Mt. Fuji
Risk of war Oil Rights → comes to the end
Water Rights China, India, Pakistan
The cause of wars is a depletion of resources
There are only 3 current nuclear powers!
Forget the country Country won't change
The country will not help you
Let go of the mindset of expecting the country to do something!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s