Wednesday, December 2, 2020

"4 hour work week?!" But how? There is a way!


It has begun〜〜〜♪



↓↓↓This granola is delicious↓↓↓@Matsuzaka city, Mie 

*You can also have it delivered 〜〜〜♪


20 minute summary

4 hours of work a week 

Ideal life of the pressure-free generation 

4 steps to become the "New Rich" 




What is DEAL?!


=An Ideal Comfortable Life !!!




Let's become New Rich!


Think about what NOT to do


Automate it!


You're free!!!!





↓↓↓about Definitions


Difference between the old rich and the new rich?!


Lots of money 

Lots of time is the biggest difference!!! 

People who have semi-retired and enjoying their time!!!! 

The money they make is →Just right〜♪


Rest for 1-2 years, 

feed their knowledge mind and body 

and work again〜〜〜


Make enough money for you and your family to live comfortably 

but don't get sucked up in capitalism 





Pareto principle


8:2 principle


We get 80% of our results in 20% of time

Leave the 20% and 

eliminate the 80% 

Use the time you are given to the full! 

Always think about 

whether you could finish it now 

or finish it in a few hours? 


Things that are truly important can be taken care of in 20%

the shortest amount of time 

Eliminate the remaining 80%! 





Find a good way to outsource 







1)Disappear from your work place

2)Change jobs


Build experience 

All that experience you build will help you to find your mission and live work〜〜〜


Temporary mini retirement







Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s