Today I ran at the gym from 6:30 in the morning! (lol)
A slow 3 km ♪
After that I had a strategy meeting ・・・
I found a way to raise each persons self-image 〜〜〜
Anthony Robbins Day 2!!!
Success exists outside of your comfort zone!
A coach is a person that pushes you outside of that zone!
Write it (on paper)
Talk about it (in break out rooms)
New pathways (neuro-pathways)
Know your "results!"
Clear goals!
Know your "reasons"!!
Why "must you do it?"
HOW comes later.
Take "massive action"
Massive action creates momentum.
Know "what you stand to gain".
Change your "approach"
(Keep adapting until you are successful)
Past dreams ・・・
What were the obstacles?!
That's right! It's "fear"!
Must change now.
I must change now.
I can do that now.
The past is different from the future
The changes you must make now.
Must do what is change now
・It will bring great joy (to your family and those important to you)
・Having great pain in your life
Chagne "can" → Do you have the motivation of "want to"?
"Can't go on like this" is what brings change!!!
■Breaking pattern
example) tobacco pain of stopping → to pain of continuing
habit of biting your nails
■Creating new beliefs to replace the old
Momentum is movement with energy
■Step 1
Peak state
Smile, move your body → In other words, celebrating in advance!
When I am happy I・・・・・
When I am irritated I ・・・
■Step 2
Finding your passion
■Step 3
Decide, Commit, Take a Stand
■Step 4
Take Massive action
■Step 5
●What do I love?!
●What do I hate?!
●What am I passionate about?
●What do I really want?
"joy" "surprise" "sadness" is all already within you
like in a PC
Make up your mind, decide!!!
We are always making decisions
We have made many good decisions in the past → We are alive now!
What are you doing
What are you not doing
It will all connect ・・・like dominoes !
Anthony Robbins uncle =Wealthy
"Because he's attending seminars" ・・・
From that day he started taking massive action
got the money himself to attend seminars!!!
●About your past decisions
That made your life now better!
How has it affected your life now?
What sort of decisions are they?!
Fix the transmitters!!! The neurotransmitters!
Compliment yourself!
From now on, whenever you go out the door,
Stand up straight and start!!!
●When I make what decisions (no need to be stuck on results)
●What are the results it would bring about in 2,3 years?
●Now we're going to put it into your nervous system 〜〜〜
"Decide" → Peak state (like/dislike/passion/desires)
SAY YES! Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate!
Achieve it no matter what!!!
You could do it!
What to aim for next?
5 keys to wisely delegate
1)Make it specific
Focus= power
What do you want?
Why do you want it?
2)Ask someone who could help you
3)Make it so that there is value to the person being asked
4)Confirm it and ask
5)Keep asking until you get the results you want
Neuro pathways, strengthen them and make them stronger!
What is the life you want?!
Experience your ideal life
and make it painful to come back to the present
Emotions and meaning
Work Career
Blessings and contribution
Not getting along with father
because she is a lesbian
Can't swim but has a longing for
the triathlon, got Anthony Robbins as a coach
and won at the Olympics.
After that she got leukemia,
which she also overcame.
Not a sale, but
creating your fans.
Raving fans.
Is your industry growing?
When you believe that
what are the thoughts that limit you?
What is harming you?
Is it real?
Because isn't going well.
Sometimes its because of your mindset.
Change is automatic, but evolving isn't.
Evolving is a result of conscious thought, decision and action.
by Tony Robbins
What do you feel when you do it?
Find the "pain" of the person asking the question.
If you didn't have that, how do you feel?!
Do 〇〇・・・Find out about the gap between what they are doing now!
Creating a raving culture within culture
A culture of creating fans
The answer is in a good state!
"Business is a spiritual game"
by Business Mastery
↓↓↓to be continued ↓↓↓
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s