Sunday, September 20, 2020

Raise your standards! This is the only way to change your life! Be outstanding!

"Rewire your brain to feel good for no reason"・・・


Then you can get to peak state easily!!!



One time, there was a train that ran past the seminar venue regularly 

that made it difficult for participants to concentrate. 


So we changed the wiring!

Every time the train passed and made a loud sound, we would "get excited and laugh"!!! 

By changing the wiring to a huge belly laugh, it changed the atmosphere completely!! 

Daily morning priming !!!


  First, change your state!

  Radically change the way you use your body! 

      And the way you breathe! 

    Raise your hands ad every time you lower your elbows

   Breathe out from your nose!  30 times!!!



1)Remember 3 things you are grateful for! 

      Adjust your breathing to that moment 

     Who was around you? 

     Remember you are full of grace. 


2)Feel the energy 

  A light shower from heaven・・・

  Earthing and connecting to the earth 

  and back up to the sky!

  It will heal you on the cell level 

    And that energy will be sent to the people you love 

     To everyone around the world!!!


3)The goals you truly want!

  Celebrate its achievement!


  Thank you!!!

     Shout out for joy!


     Bring that joy into your heart!


  What if you felt this feeling every morning?

  What kind of life would it be?!





Having you ever gotten very angry at yourself?

Beating yourself up!!!


What voice did you use?!




Change your state


What if you tried using a sexy voice?!


From the front, from the back

From the right side, from the left side 





■Stand up in an unstable manner 


What are the words you use?

The tone of your voice?


The position of your shoulders?



Black and white? in colorカラー?

Movie? Still photo? 

What about the pressure? 

Heavy? Light? 

How nervous are you? 

Make the anxiety 3 times more!!!


■You can do it! 

Don't let go of your hand! 

Raise your voice! 

Say YES! 

Feel it in your body! 

With a complete voice! 

A confident voice! 

Add joy in there, and playfulness! 

Imagine a soccer goal! 

If you see the person, you can tell if they will score or not

It's a 2mm difference 


Don't negotiate with your brain! 

Change the wiring! 


Name the state that's in there!!! 

Will you go back to the past you?! 

People don't want you to change! 


Your soul's image=I am 〇〇!

Your core 

Change "I must do 〇〇" to "I will do 〇〇"!



Raise your standard!

This is the only way to change your life!


What do you value?


Why do you keep living there?!

Because you're uncertain. 

You're missing out on the delicious parts of life! 

Become outstanding! 

This woman got injured. 

The gold medal was right in front of her・・・

Russia hadn't been able to win for so long 

She kept on running even with her hurt leg!!!



Even if someone takes everything from you 

nobody can take away your self-respect! 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s