Saturday, September 19, 2020

Pulling up your despondent heart with your body, not your heart!

Get into peak state! 

Into a beautiful state! 

In Japanese, it would be "in a good mood state!" 

Take action "after you get into a good mood first" 

In other words, "pre-celebration"〜〜〜〜


Don't pull up your despondent heart 

with your heart, 

but with your body! 


and change your body language 

and put on a huge smile!!!! 

Success is something to aim for! 

Happiness is something you feel! 


 Allow yourself to feel happiness now

Those who can't?! 

Use your body to change your state! 

Yesterday, after 13 hours of Anthony ・・・


We drank〜〜〜

Had 3 chats on zoom・・・





"Fitness that the business elite are doing

〜How to adjust your body and mind all at once" 


Shungo Ooyama's latest book 〜〜〜〜〜〜♪





90% of the plastic waste in the world's oceans come from only 10 rivers 

 | World |Latest news |Newsweek Japanese version  Official site



Kumamoto Heavy Rain Disaster  Two birds with one stone charity seminar 

Round 8 is starting ‼️


This was actually only going to be for the one month of August, but all the speakers wanted to continue, and 10 new speakers joined, so we will continue this until the end of September(^^♪

The crowdfunding will also be extended until the end of September, so please support us in achieving our goal. There are also new returns added on the site~(^^♪


■Crowdfunding page


Speakers today are 


・Masaya Onimaru who now supports former child soldiers in Uganda, Africa, and a project in Tohoku for mothers who lost their jobs. 


・Morino Kumasan who was very popular last time.  He healed himself from his sickness through never giving up and will speak about ultimate leadership.   


8pm~9pm Masaya Onimaru 

"The courage to take one step  ---What I learned from my on site activities and how to nurture courage" 

9 pm~10 pm  Morino Kumasan(Masanobu Fukushima)

"Only your dreams will become a reality" 

All of this can be watched for free 



■through the facebook page

If you click the "reminder" here, you will be send an alert when its starts. 


■Through YouTube

Access through this page and click on reminder to be alerted. 

For those who are watching weekly

・Please click like on our facebook page 

・Subscribe to Katori's YouTube channel 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s