Friday, September 18, 2020

"Life=Emotions" Rewiring the "patterns of your nerve signals" "The Science of Achievement"

Anthony Robbins seminar!











If you change the way you use your body, your life will change. 

When we were a child and were told "you shouldn't be self-centered"・・・back to that day 

Everything you need is within you now. 


Take notes of today's seminar as if you were going to teach someone else! 

Just by getting full engrossed, you can get what you want. 



1)Even if you think positive and think "there are no weeds" 

   as long as you don't act, the weeds will still be there. 

   See the situation the way it is, as it is! 

2)See a vision of it getting better!!!


3)Make that vision into reality



80% is psychology    How you see the world? 

20% is the how 


I realized my "patterns" 

There is a moment when you momentum in sports changes. 

The flow of the competition 

Strengthening the muscles called your emotions!!!


Will you wait until you feel good? 

No. You do it until you feel good! 



Potential       →     Action




Convictions      ←   Results



Clearly envision it 

Those who are successful "see it in their heads" 



Energy is a habit 

Practice getting it higher 


Life =Emotions 

The Patterns of your nerve signals 



1)What are you focusing on? 

     Focus =Emotion=Life 

Meaning =Focus 

What's lacking 

What you have.     Which will you focus on? 

What you can control? What you can't control? 

Which will you focus on? 


Where  do you spend your time? In the past, present, future? 

 What are you focusing on? 

Grateful or hateful? Which will you focus on? 

Which will you focus on? This is what you must decide! 


Become a master of your emotions!!!!


It's not that you don't have enough "resources" 

You don't have enough "power to find the resources"! 

Emotions are your tool!!!! =They are your resource! 

1)Who are your best customers? 

  The person who will follow you no matter what  

  What makes them happy and what are they afraid of? 

     Who are the people who will use you to your full potential? 

     What are the people who are influencing others being influenced by? 

     If you can give more than them, you win! 


2)Make an offer! 

  An offer they can't refuse


3)Give above and beyond (their expectations) 

What do you want?! 

Clarity is what decides that!!!!


1)What must you change in order to get it?

2)What will come in the way?

3)What must you change now?

4)What irritates you when you focus? 

If you have decided in your heart, once you decide, anything is possible to  achieve. 

What are the thoughts that empower you? 

I can do anything! 

I am a creator 

I listen to my own voice 

If you focus on fear or stress 

Fear =survival instinct    Be grateful! 

How do you feel when you focus on what you love? 

How long does the joy of achievement last?   Very short! 

Clarify your patterns 

If you think, I'll achieve it one day, you won't! 

All that you have now is what is in your "world view" "beliefs" and "values"!!!



DREAM・・・What came true? 

                      What made it so? 

                      What did you do most? 

"Science of Achievement" 



Took action 

Comes up in your dreams 

Focused oh it so much that you couldn't keep away!!!! 

When that fire is lit, 

your RAS won't let you stop! 

=Your brain will collect necessary information on its own! 

ie) When you become pregnant, there are pregnant woman everywhere 


☆Your RAS goes towards what you are focused on 

(That's why you shouldn't focus on what you don't like =stop complaining) 

☆Take massive action (Do your very best!) 

Effective action 

If it doesn'T go well, change your approach 

Keep adapting until you can 


☆Modeling to speed up (copy those who are successful) 


☆Luck Grace, God  will bring it to pass! 

How happy will achieving make you? 

For how many days? How many hours? 

Fulfillment is finding something ...thinking in the forest 

Success without fulfillment is failure! 

Watch your heart

Don't watch the news on TV! 

When will you become happy? 


Decide!!!!  It's not conditional 

Who do you spend time with? 

Who do you love? 

Who will you work with? 

Getting fulfillment through smiles 

Live in a beautiful state 

Live in a beautiful state of mind and heart 


Fear protects your life

Your brain puts on the brakes 

That's why training is important 

Why do you live in a "beautiful state of mind?" 

What will you gain from that? 

What is the "taste of suffering" that we often experience? 

 What are the triggers?! 

Can you go back to that "beautiful state of mind" in just 90 seconds? 

What can you do to break those patterns?! 

(Break your usual patterns and get back to a beautiful state) 



How to use your body 



Change "suffering"      →    into "Gratitude" 

 Loss           Enjoy, Learning, Growth 

  Lack                                   Give love, gratitude 


You get sad because your focus is on yourself 

Look outward 

ME ME ME→It's a lonely place 

Your expectations of others turns into suffering →Change it into gratitude! 

3 Questions 

・What is fear? 


 A function to protect our lives from 2 million years ago 

    "We are not enough" "If I'm not enough I won't be loved" 

When we were babies, we were loved at all times 

Unconditional love 

We didn't have to do anything to be loved 

We were loved no matter what (poop, drool etc) 

However, as we grew older there starts to be conditions 

We are sometimes ignored →We feel that our life is in danger =Fear 

We are controlled by fear 

If you are to live your best life, 

you must turn your fear into action 恐怖!!!


Right now, we are controlled by technology 

Take an educated risk !!!



Don't fight with fear 

Dance with fear! 


・What is controlling the quality of your life?! 

   "Meaning" and "Emotions(=Life)" 

At least once a week write out all the emotions you are feeling 

Positive and negative 

Empowering emotions 

Disempowering emotions 

What are the top 2?!


The top 2 positive emotions 


If this was always in the center of your heart!!!


By changing the wiring

make your happy feelings your usual state 

There are many rich and wealthy people in the world 

Learn to use these 3 !!!


□How you use your body (physiology) 


 Change it dramatically!


□What are you focused on? 


 Close your eyes and Visualize your desires?!

 What color is it?! Black and white? Is it moving?Still?

Close?Far? Are you inside there?


Make that desire smaller, farther, black and white and still? 

What happens? Your desire lessens 

Make that desire bigger, in color, closer, get inside of it, make it brighter!!! 

Your desire deepens 


□Language Meaning 

Straighten your chest 

Face upward

Say YES!!!!! 

2 minutes 

Testosterone goes up 20%   Confidence increases 

Stress goes down 25% 

Response to risk goes up 35% 


The difference between zone and your normal state is a difference in state 

Why do people act? 

There are 6 Human needs

1. Certaintyassurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed
4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others



Certainty is the opposite of significance 

Certainty is the opposite of Uncertainty (variety) 

What is "-" and "+"  ?!



What were your top 2 needs? 

And what have you lost? 

What do you want to make your top 2? 

If you do, how will it change your life? 


Humans are created to have Certainty as their top need 

But that's not good, because the more you desire it, the more uncertain you become. 

If Significance is at the top, your life will be a continuation of comparing 

 You'll place only YES men around you. 

If you put love and connection at the top, suffering will come with it 

Growth and Contribution 

Imocchan published a book!




Grateful to my team in each region!


Team Naoki!!!


That's amazing!!!




Thank you!