Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I've thought many times, "Maybe this is as far as I'll go 〜" (How to deal with that?)

I participated in Mr. and Mrs. Tanabe's event・・・


I was so moved, 

and I remembered. 

That there were times in the past I've thought 

"Maybe this is as far as I'll go〜". 

I've thought that many times. 

However, there are people who 

begin their challenge 10 years later. 

I learned to think of my state now as "extra" 

and think of here as the starting point, and starting again

re-starting over and over ・・・


That's what I remembered〜〜〜


Perhaps the people who re-start

over and over again, can go farther・・・

It's been a while since I saw everyone

It was fun〜〜〜

A huge congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tanabe! 

The footprints that you've walked will become everyone's future! 



Hard to believe that 

period problems can 

go away?! 






Contact here・・・







Mayu, your eyes are closed〜〜〜〜〜♪




"Padman - the man who saved 500 million women" 

I was reminded of this movie "Padman" when listening to Motoko-san's talk ・・・



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

