Tuesday, September 1, 2020

It's September! Let's move on our own initiative, from the front!


Happy new year (fiscal year)!!!

September has begun

Reflecting back on this year, 

what kind of a year was it for you? 

And how do you want this new year that is about to begin to be for you? 


"Opportunities" are not something to "wait for". They are something to "create" 





People are now used to swift change.  "Opportunities" are not something to "wait for". They are something to "create!" 


Let's take action, 

on your own initiative, 

from the front !!!



”Failure is 

an important messenger that comes to 

teach me what I need to work on most." 

  (Azumai Yoshio   Educator) 


From Mr. Noda Mail magazine ・・・



If you 

Grow your good points 

Fix what is not good 

as you move forward

you will go far





I want to go here〜〜〜〜!!!

At this "Ryuunji Temple" of  the Rinzai sect Myoshinji school in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, there is dedicated 

this painting that is written by a down-syndrome genuis calligrapher  Shoko Kanazawa on her 30th year 

"The world's largest HannyaShinkyo" 




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

