Ultimate good luck method
【Food will influence your destiny】
10 minutes Author Namboku Mizuno
Eat at the same time
Eat the same amount
Eat a simple diet
Eat less food
If you eat too much you'll lose virtue
If you eat a simple diet for over 3 years→Things will improve positively
Eating until 80%=You'll not need a doctor
Eating until 60%=You'll know no age
Eating until 40%=You get closer to God
Helps you stay young
Helps you stay healthy
Sometimes if you eat too much, it causes loss of motivation and lack of focus
It's even related to our destiny
I stopped eating
Our luck /Unluck/Life span
is decided by whether are are
or moderate with what we eat!!!
If you eat small amounts and less food・・・your life will change drastically!!!
Sleeping and waking early
Not going to fortune tellers
Don't waste water/paper/salt
Being thrifty is fine, but being stingy is not
How about just decreasing 20% of what you eat now?!
Koichi Honda's latest book
Shino Matsuda is an amazing professional surfer 〜〜〜
The unidentified artist, #Banksy made known that he/she bought a ship in order to support the 、 #refugees in the Mediterranean #Nitterenews
"How to get rid of mosquitos"
Doing it until the end=Is talent!
If only he didn't get hurt→That is also their ability
How I see the team and the individual
"As long as the team wins" →Amateur
"Even if the team loses, I'll give my best plays→A professional
What you gain from actual experience・・・
Even if its a narrow world, jump in with both feet to try something new
Undoubtedly there will be some fear and anxiety
and that's a good state.
We repeatedly go forward and backward and then move forward just a little!
It's now an era that its hard to train strictly
So then who will educate you? →It's you!!!
TOYOTA→From vehicles to the mobility business
Similar to how I've always changed up my batting form!!!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s