Friday, August 21, 2020

Contingency plan="Predict potential obstacles in advance and come up with counter-measures"




↓↓↓Looking forward to September〜〜〜↓↓↓


It used to take alot of time and money to attend Tony Robbins seminars, so it took a measure of guts・・・


It's wonderful that almost anyone can easily attend now 〜〜〜


You don't even have to go overseas, you can experience it from your own home 

It won't cost airplane costs or hotel costs〜〜〜〜


You can participate from your own home with the support of interpretation. 

An opportunity to not only see it, but also understand it. 

It's a 4 day seminar from September 17th. 

So excited! 

From September 17th to 20th 

From 9 am to 9 pm・・・


It'll take alot of power (lol) 

But for this price, it's so cheap and lots of value 〜〜〜

90,000 yen?!



What are "your goals now"?! 

Aim for "10 times" that goal! 

You can't reach it just by trying hard, right? 

That will boost your brain to start working! 




"10X your goals project" 


If you're trying to 

Get a little better results!


you might feel like "trying harder" 

but once its "times 10!" then just trying harder isn't enough to reach it. 

Trying harder=give up thinking 

The opposite of trying hard is 

"organizing your brain". 

At Google, they recommend that employees set "10X goals" 

so fully use their brain 







Along the point of creating a free atmosphere, there is a "20% rule" at Google. 

They are encouraged to use 20% of their working time to do what they love, and "gmail" and "google Japanese input" etc. was born taking advantage of this time. 

"10X" "freedom" "20% rule" ――。For Japanese companies that have not yet completely eliminated the closed-ness, there is certainly lots to learn.



What I want to communicate most through this book is to "break down your own work". Create it so that it is not dependent on you. That is the ultimate in "efficiency" and is necessary to survive in the coming days. (From "Introduction")




If you think 10 X, then your work will never be routine. 

Because to make it 10X, you need outstanding ideas.  

If it's the same every year, instead of maintaining status quo, it will gradually decrease (from pg 105)  


・Zoom out on the overall picture 

・Zoom in on the details 

・Back side 

・Future perspective 

・Customer perspective 

・Rival perspective 

・An abnormal perspective  (What is normal? What is deep? What is funny?) 

(From pg 131) 


I was working at Google, but its not like I graduated from an elite university such as Stanford or Columbia University, and I didn't come from wealth either. 

I actually came from a small rural village in Poland where I was the only one who went on to attend high school. (Authors note:Due to the changes in the social condition in Poland at the time, he eventually quit high school as well and went to work in Germany) Even so I learned to move based on my own views of the world, uninfluenced by the common sense of those around me. Even if you are not elite, if you know how to do it, you can work well and smart (From "Introduction") 





An unfailing plan 

How to create a 【Super focused TO DO list



Contingency planning 




Creating TO DO

・Increases motivation 

・Increases efficiency 


Experiment  "Clarify what you do, prioritize, when will you do it" 




One team sets "normal TO DO'S" 

Another team does "contingency planning" 

Contingency planning is 


Predicting potential obstacles in advance and coming up with counter-measures


Did it for 2 weeks!!!

How different was the achievement rate?!


If you make your TO DO list the day before

it lessens your stress 

and quality of sleep goes up 


Don't rely only on motivation !!!



7 pockets!

7 streams of income・・・


Reached over 650 members!!!Wow

Let’s create 7 pockets of income!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s