Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Can't save negativity with positivity! What's important is "understanding"



We plan to release new T-shirts!(lol)

↓↓↓They are all handmade (lol)↓↓↓


↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↓↓↓


Grey✖️Black L 2 shirts

Grey ✖️Yellow L 2 shirts

Grey✖️Black M 2 shirts

Grey✖️Yellow M 2 shirts

Khaki✖️Black L 3 shirts

Khaki✖️Yellow L 2 shirts

Khaki✖️Black M 2 shirts

Khaki✖️Yellow M  2 shirts

White✖️Black M3 shirts

White✖️Black Yellow mix  M1shirt




We will be making it available soon〜〜〜♪




"Don't blame the people infected"  Ministry of Education Culture Sports releases a statement  against bullying and slander 






Soccer player Honda also said "Those infected are the victims" 







Can't save negative with positive 








Those who say positive words like "do your best" and motivate themselves 

will do that themselves even if you leave them alone 

Those who are saved by positive words are only the positive people You can't save negative with positive 

For the people of the positive religion, they have a shallow understanding of this 

Those who have become negative, even if you say positive things to them 

They will only be hurt, feeling like you are putting them down 

and their walls will only go up thinking that no body understands them 

So the positive treatment will only encourage them to become more and more alone 

Even if those words are "I want to die" 

you can't minimize those feelings 

If you minimize them or deny them, they will only want to die more

What those who are negative want is "understanding" 
For those who know what they want others to understand, it's still not so serious, 

but for those who are in a serious state of negativity, they don't even know themselves what they want others to understand

They want others to understand, but don't even know what it is they want to be understood

Because they don't know they can't put it into words, and can'T get it out there 

and so nobody is able to understand them 

and those dark feelings well up inside them and only fester there

and they start losing interest and have emotional apathy in order to protect themselves. 

What's important is getting in there, communicating and slowly unraveling those dark emotions 

Doing so takes communication and "realizations" 

and its not something that can happen overnight which is why its necessary to watch them on the long haul. 

Positivity is banned

If you are to understand someone who is negativity, creating an affinity with the negative 

If you don't try to understand their feelings 

You won't ever have an idea of what they feel 




Wow, so true〜〜〜


Yet I feel that this has some common points with 

what we talked about yesterday about "creating a plan" 

and thinking, "who to get help from?"〜〜〜


Riding on the shoulders of giants!!!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

