Form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form
Luck and the sky
Live in the now. In only the present moment
I also did some drawing today (lol)
【The 5 easy steps for awareness reform (The subconscious is always right)
10 minute summary Futoshi Kosudo (author)
You life won't change unless you change your subconscious
Your internal organs operate subconsciously
The subconscious is "always right"
Be conscious of the subconscious !
↓↓↓5 easy steps for awareness reform↓↓↓
1)余裕シャクシャクメソッド having enough to spare method
Two in one makes a whole
The body and the mind are one set!
Approach through the body
To give yourself confidence
Use your body in specific ways
Look it the mirror → Lift up the corners of your lips
Clench your fist in triumph above your shoulders
Continue only 7 days
2)Change your habits slightly
Hard to focus on the "now" that is important
The true form of your habits is your "subconscious"!
Today I wore my shoes from my right foot first
Today I'm washing my body starting from my feet
Going somewhere different than usual
Meta cognition
Tension and relaxation
When you think "There is only one answer!!!"・・・
Your self-esteem feels denied
Unable to hear your subconcious
Unable to draw our your potential
There is not only one answer
There are many answers depend on the person
Don't judge yourself or others !!!
4)The law of 50 50
Wish for....
Your own happiness 50%
Others happiness 50%
5)Conscious of what is lacking
Creating feeling happy as a habit
During that time, your body is relaxed!
What should you do?!
It's what is connecting your conscious and subconscious
Breathe deeply
Focus on exhaling
Your subconscious has no limits!!!
The world exists through co-existence
I think the moment those become one, its when you are "fully immersed"