Saturday, July 25, 2020

Warm your neck! Smartphone and PC neck


Warm your neck
When you use your smartphone or PC, 
try not to drop the position of your eyes and bend your neck. 


Living in life in this era of Corona!
What are the 5 steps that Bashar talks about for these coming 4 months for the awakening of the world? 

(2 months from now! ) 

The fork in the road begins!


Awakening・・・Realize that you are a being of light 
Asleep・・・Continue to live as you are now 

1。Forgive all people 
2。After you forgive others, forgive yourself 
3。Stop linking things to the past (don't look back) 
4。Link to your own future (Have the future pull you forward) 
5。Implement 1〜4 and live here and now with excitement!!!

