Thursday, July 23, 2020

Negative (Limiting beliefs) →Give yourself new beliefs!

12 minute video


Negative beliefs=Limiting beliefs

If I follow people obediently I'll be liked 
Don't want to be disliked so you stay obedient 
Live always concerned about others moods 

However, there are benefits to that too. 
You become able to be more attention to how others feel and empathize 

Negative beliefs =Limiting beliefs

1。what you believe (beliefs) →Subjective
    Write out 10 


2。Behaviors  →Objective 
  What actions did you take? 
  "I stayed quiet even though there were things I wanted to say" 

  "Was forced to do something I didn't want to, because I couldn't say anything" 

 ↓↓↓By doing that・・・

What do you lose?
What was taken from you?
What were you not able to gain?
 What are the demerits to continuing to believe this way?

What are new beliefs you want to belief?! →Action
If you can do that, be persistent in it! 
If you continue, you can keep that new belief! 


【The best output  SUGOI! Way of learning】 
vol .9 Takumi Yamazaki〈Business College〉


I ate eel today (lol) 

Midsummer day of the ox・・・

Bashar Girl! 
Thank you! 

Beautiful women from Okayama!(lol)