Wednesday, July 8, 2020

If you ask a question...your subconscious will keep searching, and you will get a hit of "inspiration"

 Went to "SHIGYOKURAN" for lunch today 
Lunch there was delicious 

"Shigyokuran" Higashi Azabu 3-4-16


On the way back, went shopping for my mothers birthday・・・
My mind stopped working〜


Have you heard of TOMIYA SHOKUDO?!


From Katsuhiko Takeda of Tomiya Shakudo in Chiran, Kagoshima 


This is a crowdfunding for Tomiya Shakudo. 

Please support it if you are so inclined!!!


The interesting relationship between the conscious and the subconscious

If you ask yourself ・・・

"I want to make next event more interesting. 
  Is there a way to surprise everyone?" 

if you ask yourself this question・・・

Even if you conscious mind forgets about it, 
your subconscious mind will remember and keep looking 
and when it hits on an idea, it uses "inspiration" to get to you・・・

Why not try it? 
Try saying to your subconscious, "Hey there subconscious, I'll leave it to you!" 

If you want the best answer, 
try thinking of the best question to ask to get it. 

What should I do on my next day off?!
What do I need to do to make my next day off an awesome anniversary?!

Just rewrite/re-ask the question, and you will get the best answers. 

↓↓↓Thank you for this selection, Fuku sele!↓↓↓

It's Takato Fukushima

Today's Fukushima brings to you excerpts from a book
that will raise the quality of your life, each day, each week and each month, 
"Solo meeting" textbook"


【"Solo Meeting" textbook】
(p:147  Excerpt from "once a month solo meeting DX")

"What is important is not the answer that is drawn out, 
but the emotions(=answer) that come next, 
after answering that question. 

By answering the questions, 
the emotions that are on the surface of your heart, 
will be released, layer by layer. 

"What? These emotions came up for me." 
There may be times when surprising things also come up. 

That's what is interesting about the solo meeting DX. 

By just writing out your answers, you will discover 
new answers that you never even recognized before 
pour out from inside of you." 

Why I chose this. 

Creating time to think alone, even if its only 5 minutes a day, 

that's what the solo meeting is about. 

When I first started with this, 
I would only take about 10 minutes, once a week. 

I would open up my schedule book, confirm the schedule for the first half and second half of the week. 
That's all my solo meeting consisted of. 

But while continuing this, 
it naturally increased in frequency and time. 

The reason for this is simple. 
My weeks and days went better when I did this solo meeting. 
This is what I felt was fun about the solo meeting! 

Before I knew it, I was having this meeting with myself daily. 

By doing it daily, the quality of how I spend my daily life improved! 
And because my daily life improved, the quality of my life also improved!! 

I also take longer time once a month to reflect. 

There, "I enjoy myself and rewrite myself" 
This is what's written in this "Solo meeting DX" 

This book 【"Solo Meeting" textbook】
is what helped me to experience the quality of my life going up. 

Thank you everyone! 


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