Thursday, July 30, 2020

Humans have the power to change. Others also have the power to change

Meeting every morning with my team through zoom for 5 minutes every morning is a good idea♪


Maybe I'll try it from September 1st?! 

It'll probably change the flow of the day

Perhaps I'll try it 〜♪



Class to change your human relationships in 10 minutes 

【Just listen to it once and it will last for 1 year】



Question! Do you think humans can change? 

At the beginning of the school term・・・

the team of students who answered "I think people can change" 

had better self-esteem 

less stress 

less feelings of anxiety

and less sickness 

We can do it if we try! makes life easier each day



Those who listened to this talk at the beginning of the term 

had less stress than those who didn't! 


Humans have the power to change 

Even if you are left out or bullied, 

it's not the fault of your personality. 

There is a chance that the bully will also have a change of heart. 

Please believe in that! 


=You and others have the power to change


Humans have the power to change 

Others also have the power to change 


↓↓↓A year later


Those who had this talk had less stress in their school lives, and better learning abilities! 


⭐️Getting rid of irritations in human relationships 【Sense of success and reappraisal】→ 


⭐️Changing into a personality where effort is a habit "Success mindset" entry level 


📚Mindset:Check the "Can do it if i try!" research on Amazon! ‬ 


📚Why humans and organizations can't change  ―Check on Amazon, Personal transformation theory and implementation, Harvard style! ‬



4 Steps Online Salon launched !!!





I talked with Ryoji's team and it helped to organize inside my mind 〜〜〜

Grateful to everyone in each region!

