Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Can create a shop easily through →"Facebook shops"

Disneyland will open again from July 1st!

Did you know that Facebook has an official function 
to create a shop easily



Can sell on instagram !!!

In Japan this would mean selling outside.
It's a function for shops and customers to be able to communicate.
Linked with Shopify → like, to pay go here.

So you can have a store within Facebook or Instagram
Analysis will also be easy.

In the past, EC sites cost 1 million yen to start up
now it can be done for free!
You can start selling already having all the customers within FACEBOOK. 

This enables a store business within FACEBOOK.
Instagram shops will start from this summer! 

Will LIVE commerce start too?!
You could do Japan Net yourself ♪
Can shop easily 

Please buy on Amazon〜
you could do this easily!!!

To communities 
"Buildling trust" via LIVES = Live commerce


Antibody level of those who recovered from novel Corona virus 
Lowers in 2-3 months     Does that make herd immunity pointless? 

From Mr. Noda Mail magazine・・・

Economic growth rate of 2020, 
Minus 6.0% has never happened in Japan in the past??
GDP minus 6.0%
This is a percentage that Japan has never yet experienced,
except right after the war in 1945, and 1946.

After 1947, the lowest rate was 3.7% right after Lehman shock
This time it's 6.0% which is 2.7% lower
How will things turn out?
It is important to prepare our hearts

■ What will happen in the world?

According to the announcement on June 8th by the world bank,
the GDP prediction for 2020 for the world is minus 5.2%. Japan is 6.1%

According to the OECD prediction announced on June 10th

the prediction for 2020 for the world is minus 6.0%. Japan is 6.0%

In a world where there is a second wave, it is minus 7.6% and Japan would be minus 7.3%

By the way, the role of the world bank is to lend necessary money to mostly developing countries to supporting the developing of infrastructure etc.

They loan money to institutions that received debt guarantee from the government or the central government.

Japan has borrowed 863 million dollars for 31 projects
and has completed returning the debt in 1990.
It started with borrowing to cover the costs of constructing a thermal power plant in 1952, going to to
the Tokaido Shinkansen, Tomei highway, Shuto Highway etc...

This minus 6% is an astounding number

and has not been experienced by Japan since after the war.

The data at the cabinet office starts from 10 years after the war in 1955

But there have only been 7 times when the economic growth rate (actual GDP) has gone into minus.

1974▲0.5%(oil shock)
1993▲0.5%(Immediately after the bubble burst)
1998▲1.5%(international currency crisis of 1997)
2008▲3.7%(Lehman shock)

Data at Cabinet Office

Regarding data right after the war, according to the paper by Toshiyuki Mizoguchi
former head and honorary professor of Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University

1945  ▲24.2%
1946  ▲23.5%
1947 ▲4.5%
After this, everything was plus.

This means that this prediction of  minus 6%
is a number that we have not yet experienced aside from in 1945 and 1946.

It is a number that is unparalleled by even right after the bubble or after lehman when people said, "recession, recession"

Perhaps we should keep this in mind.

For now, things will continue to be in recession,
and we should expect that more waves will be coming in the future.

Unemployment rates according to the
OECD prediction was

5.4% in 2019
9.2% in 2020

If there is a second wave,
then it's predicted to be 10.0%

The average unemployment rate in Japan in 2019 was 2.4%
so if we go with this ratio its possible it will rise to a little less than 5%

People are also talking about the market downturn.

The worlds vehicle sales went down 22% cutting into 70 million.

Machinery industry is said to have reached a low level for the first time in 10 years.

However, if you look at things closely

vehicle sales had a peak in 2017 and has been on downward trend,
and the machinery industry has already been on a downturn since March 2019.

In other words,

the manufacturing and retail industries were already beginning on a downward trend before Corona.

Mr. Noda information
What is the business circle


Apparently this place is delicious 

