Monday, June 1, 2020

America Escalating to demonstrations and riots against the police...and transfigure into socialism like demands.

What's going on in America

In Minneapolis in the state of Minnesota state, with the inhumane incident of a black man George Floyd who was held down by the knee by a white police officer unable to breathe and died. 
It has now escalated in over 30 spots across the States into demonstrations and rioting against the police even causing deaths.

On Twitter 

American University Professor
What will happen about the demonstrations going forward.
If the demonstrations are extended, most likely it will move away from its original intent of protesting against black racism, and transfigure into socialism like demands. 
Measures against unemployment and poverty have been extended or its expansion being delayed which is also agitating the people. 

I've uploaded this!

Tomiya Okazaki ×Takumi Yamazaki 

Mrs. Tomiyo who is also the mother of Shinji Okazaki ♪


Thank you MR. KAZUYA!
↓↓↓I was introduced to this blog ↓↓↓

Seminar to "speak about half of my life and learnings" 

I'm looking forward to it! 

Takumi Yamazaki →AW signal             
Information related to Amway is posted here 