Friday, May 29, 2020

Enjoy each and every part of life. This is meditation.

Enjoying each and every part of life and living. 

Souun Takeda has really been influencing me〜♪

When you shampoo your hair...
when you open a door
each and every thing
every little thing that you do, put your heart into it. 
The life that dwells in every action・・・

This is true meditation〜

To everyone who is enjoying that life♪
Comfort enhancement goods for your life!

There's an event like this 

↓↓↓Irie sensei will be involved in this too!!!↓↓↓

"Sound of the galaxy ~Celestial man~”

The interiew video regarding Irie sensei's involvement   

I feel that "living from your soul"
and what Akiyama sensei talked about this event in 
"human time waver" is the same thing. 
Actually, everyone can live naturally according the lives they want to live, 
but I think that there are things that are hindering that, 
and people are remembering themselves and trying to live more freely  

Kagurazaka Hikaru Land Miracle 



144,000 people!!!

Let's update!
🔗Zoom X day 
This weekend is coming soon…If you're using the old version you'll be shut out from the meeting 🔗

✅Security issues
✅Back up 

After the 30th this month, those who are using the zoom app that is under 5.00 version, will no longer be able to participate in or host meetings. 
If you upgrade your version in the data center, then you will no longer be able to access the old version.

 This will be hosted on Playfully today! 

Thank you!