Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Life's Goal" →Though it seems you are choosing yourself, is it from "information provided by others?"

This is yesterday's seminar
Today's is from 4 pm!!!


You can watch yesterday's here!


"How to move forward and heighten motivation" 
Best selling author of "The Motivation Switch!"  
Takumi Yamazaki 

April 22nd (Wed) 13:00~14:00

Hideto Tomabechi and Takumi Yamazaki talk live 
↓↓↓Taku radio ↓↓↓

There's part 1〜2〜3

Humans without goals die 
People tend to die about 18 months after retirement! (after they no longer have dreams) 
Those with goals stay alive and young. 

Title’s are the same as the clothes you're wearing 
Watch yourself in a dream 

Mr. Tomabechi's dream=To eliminate war and discrimination

Elucidating human cognition 
Why do people discriminate? 
Why are your own children important? Is it fine if your enemy's children die? 

Louis Tice
60% of employees from large companies have had his sessions. 
I was contacted by him that we are creating a program for children and to help. 
Major difference from what exists→"Choosing your own goals" 

There are countries that have no choice. 
"Choosing your own goals" is difficult. 

Even if it seems like you are choosing for yourself, 
there's a large chance that 「"you are choosing from information given to you by others." 

How you can "choose for yourself" ・・・
If you add just one condition, it becomes possible 
To have a "crazy dream" 
A dream that can't come true without structural reform 

Blind spot → We can only see what we think is important 

The speed of our "Gastrointestinal evolution" and the
"Evolution of our brains" differed. 

Using your brain at full capacity is the same as using one nuclear power substation!!!

When your stomach gets full, you get tired. 
It's ineffective. 

Can't provide enough energy to output its full potential. 
We are only using about 3%. 

We look at a person's face once and don't look at it anymore. 
"today" is made from "yesterday's memories" 

The world that we see is a world of "memories" 
To go a step further, it's created with "only what is important" 
Important to what? "the importance of yesterday" 
Today= "Yesterday's memories" and "what was important yesterday" 
then it's not necessary to live tomorrow. 
That's why people die after 18 months with no goals. 

If you have a goal・・・
"Is it important?" needs to be judged based on your "goals"
Not letting your past memories decide! 
Go past the RAS to become a different person tomorrow! 
Making it important to live now and tomorrow. 

So, what to do?!
How do we choose our "goals"? 

If we have dreams that are only an extension of our current state, it is only a "strengthening of our past" . 
If your goal setting is merely an optimizations of the past, your are heading toward destruction. 

Setting goals should be 
a goal that you cannot achieve without structural reform, 
a goal that that you now cannot achieve. 

Have to get out of your comfort zone. 
That will likely change what is important to you. 
That gives you a chance to find what is your true goal 

Evolution is not the same as optimization (optimization= degeneration) 
Fish moving onto land    This is evolution! 
A certain fish decides "I'll go onto land!" =the thought and inspiration 
the rest is a strong will!
Aliens that come to earth have guts! 
Guts=A strong will 
The body is in the information space 
Just an energy in the information space. 
Merely optimizing the past will just make you a slave 

A new goal =A crazy dream 
Not a rebound of homeostasis
Use it the other way around
Then you will recover from scotoma= What you see will change) 

When your goals change
What's is important to you changes
and what you see also changes. 

Yesterday was to help you see 
that as unimportant, 
that's why tomorrow never changes. 

You don't need effort. 
Your legs may go numb when playing a game. 
Dharma is the same. 
It's not considered effort. 
You do it because it feels good. 

Stable at 24 degrees!
26 degrees cooler 
22 degrees heater 

Getting out of your comfort zone yourself 
moving there yourself 
This is called "motivation" 
Otherwise people tend to escape into their comfort zones. 

Regarding achieving goals, 
adjust your comfort zone! 

Homeostatis =Gestalt (a psychological term)
The power to maintain a stable spirit 
Resolve cognitive dissonance!
Make it normal that your dreams are being realized. 

Most people set their "goals" as maintaining the status quo. 
They choose an ideal reality. 
That's why they lose their motivation. 

Make your goal something crazy

Not changing your surroundings, 
it's yourself that needs to change! 

Choose who you truly want to be. 
and live NOW as if "you are worthy of that" 

Strongly believe that you are in that state. 

Choose your own goals. 
Once you do it a few times, 
your true goals will become clearer. 

"I want to be like so and so" isn't good enough. 

Who do you want to be now?! 
Put it in words that are present continuous tense! "I can do such and such!" "I am doing such and such" 

More than the "reality of you" 
to become "a awesome you" and to make that "real" you need to "repeat it in words" 

Your need to change structurally. 
Affirm that you are already that person.


For those who have anxiety regarding the recent "Corona Shock" 

↓↓↓Sensei Hideto Tomabechi's talk is interesting↓↓↓
