Friday, April 17, 2020

It would be great if all of Japan switched to "remote work" and people were freed from being slaves to time.

Roppongi hills 
there's no one walking here anymore ・・・

Today the state of emergency declaration extended to the whole country. 
Everyone will get 100,000 yen?!

Thank you for last night too! 

Let's recommend Nutri Probiotics to our "parents" too! 

Remote work is still about 5%?! 

That's a huge gap. 
It would be great if everyone in Japan could all just switch entirely to "remote work" and that humans would be freed from being slaves to time. 

Toilet paper is still hard to find in Tokyo 

Hot spring live videos lol 

Here you can listen to worldwide radio stations


Information from Mr. Ita


Whatー!I did't know there was such a campaign! 
There are probably many people who are reading more now that they are home? Please utilize this ♪

※I have nothing but gratitude for everyone who is delivering for Amazon. 

(Official) Amazon Book Mileage  1 yen =1 mile    With 5000 miles, you can get a 500 yen coupon 


If you use  Breakout room 
I found out that it's really interesting