Friday, March 13, 2020

Having healthy thoughts (not becoming a victim)


Makie returned from the seminar with Ivana Chubbuck・・・
She stayed for 17 days in LA and learned a lot 〜

Thank you for all that you shared!


People will try to live until their last second.
List of the things you will no longer be able to do if you died tomorrow ・・・
What will emerge if you did those things?
I will try this later.

Don't leave past regret as regret.
It's important to change it into paints that you can use for the future.

Emotional Diary
"I want you to fall in love again・・・

Everyone is addicted to something or another.
Those who have addictions to alcohol want courage
Those who have addictions to sex want love that cannot be hurt.

Those who sell themselves as always cheerful
have something dark as well.

Those who stay victims
Can stay victims 

They hold on to the hate=In order to protect themselves.

Fall in love and change it into power

The overall purpose of the movie (for example, revenge)
The purpose of the scene (for example, 
the conquest of love) 
*Are you able to use these differences in your real life?!

Keep your thoughts healthy
(not becoming a victim)

Believe in the ability of you as a spiritual being.

Challenge yourself!
Try to expand your comfort zone
and choose the riskier option! =It's sexy!

That you are alive is raw,
that wholeheartedness is sexy!
It's that feeling of wondering if its okay to watch . (=like peering into a private world)

Just choosing to stay in the safe zone
Just skill is not sexy.

What happens is a copy of the emotions you have already experienced in the past.
Make a list of everything that has happened in your past and change them into tools, something that you can use.

Be willing to throw away even the brilliant ideas,
Choose those calculated syncronicities.

Comedy is actually very serious and isn't a performance.

・・・Please forgive my scribbles H

What decides whether you succeed in your life or not, 

is not what you do when things are going well, 

but in how you handle when things are not. 

-Rich Devos


President Trump "the Tokyo Olympics should be postponed a year" due to the spread of CoVID-19


Meg's flowers・・・She handles the English side. 

Big thank you to everyone in each area! 

Thank you so much!


Would love to meet via ZOOM〜

Thank you!

 Yesterday, I had a 10 minute home meeting. 

拓巳流 人生の掟拓巳流 人生の掟