Sunday, March 22, 2020

Free until today!! We must let go of our "planned life" in order to gain our "true life"

Free viewing for 3 days


Movie: Finding Joe
  "The Laws of a Hero" Online version. 

Special free viewing! 
Today March 20th (Fri), 21st (Sat), 22nd (Sun)

Can be viewed from here↓↓↓↓↓
I don't believe people are looking for the "meaning of life" 
as much as they are looking for the "experience of being alive" 

Everyone was a Golden Buddha
We've forgotten with all that goes on in life. 
But something happens to remind us and help us remember. 

The Hero's journey=there is a recurring pattern. 

Separation (away from daily life) 
Initiation   facing something, getting back your power 
Coming back/Return 

Ordinary →Extraordinary 

Universal stories by humans of the secrets to life. 

A story is better than an explanation.  

The synchronicities will carry you. 

The tiger that lives with a herd of sheep
Many are living life in a state of hypnosis?!

Should do this or that 
The "should religion" 
Addicted to following the expectations of those around you. 

Living somebody else's life. 
What is your story?

Isn't the telephone ringing? 
It's a phone that will continue ringing until you pick it up ・・・
≒Sometimes it will come as a time of despair and difficulty →  Then it takes you on a journey!!!

When you get tired of being a victim of life, 
people say "I've had enough!" 

Hero→ Taking responsibility for the path your own life takes. 

The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. (Nietzsche) 

We must let go of life as we have planned it. 
Then we can gain our true lives. 

We face "moments" of our old selves, our past selves 
Because it's also "a part of us"・・

The truth is, 
not in "what happens" 
but "how we deal with what happens." 

There should be something that inspires us to action. 

And from there is an "entrance" we've never seen before, 
and that's where we enter the "story". 

"If there is already a path there" =it's someone else's story, someone else's entrance. 

Follow your BLISS!!!
Your true bliss?!

↓↓↓To do that↓↓↓

・Have courage. Have courage to look within yourself. 
・What am I here to do? 
・What do I feel the most passion doing?
・What is my greatest gift? 
・How can I use  that to impact and serve the world? 

BLISS=Shifuku (in Japanese) 

Ananda=Bliss or rapture ≠ Pleasure

Trusting the deep impulse within to go out and follow your bliss. 
What makes you feel most alive?!

Aha moment→  Excited=Alive 

Bliss is different from pleasure or hedonism= Don't follow what other people think is your bliss. 

Bliss =There's a serenity in bliss.  It's your most serene and fulfilling state. 

"I accept the possibilities of the present" 
I will follow my bliss 

Becoming Rich 
Becoming Famous 
Besides that→It's "doing what you love to do!" 


What am I passionate about?
What do I love doing? 
What are the activities that when I engage them it feels like hours go by in minutes? 

Find out what you most love to do,  
and do more of that thing! 

What was it that made me different as a child, 
what set me apart? 


It could be the door to your bliss 

If you never had to think about money, or time, 
with all the money and time in the world, 
how would you "express yourself" 
and how would that "benefit the ecosystem, the larger web of being"?! 

What are those experiences that engaged you to where you became lost and totally absorbed in them?!
List it up (or collect images or music) 

Its not about being successful 
Its not about feeding your family. 
Write some bad poetry! 
Do something that gives you "that moment" 

Journal=conversation with yourself 
Opportunity to get to know more about yourself. 

Joseph Campbell's advice to his students 
"Don't do what daddy says" 
Daddy=has one interest in life for you, your security. 

If you bargain your life away for security now, 
you will never find your BLISS. 

Almost every person who is successful and who has reached the "mountaintop" didn't do it for the money or fame, they did it because they were chasing their bliss! 

Make it a "personal success"! 
What's more important than that?!

Is there something you wish you've done but never doing?  

When you follow your bliss, 
the universe will open doors where there were only walls. 

 An unseen forces will guide you・・・

What will come in the way is your "fear" →Ignore it! 

You can decide everything! 

I want to sing like birds sing. Not worrying who listens or what they think・・・

The red road =The tough road (narrow and winding, full of obstacles) 
The black road=The wide road (doesn't offer any challenges) 

↓↓↓What you choose↓↓↓
is up to you! 

The one thing that keeps people from their mountaintops, 
that keeps people small, and keeps people from presenting their "genius" to the world = its "fear" 
Fear toxifies your perceptions 

Courage is not a lack of fear, 
courage is dealing with your fear. 

Courage= "When you know what to do and you do it "
Lack of courage= "When you know what to do, and don't do it! "

If you fall, get up and keep going!

Go to the courage gym!
Work out to get stronger! 

If you look at the shadows, you'll get scared. 
It's always like that. 
Get closer. 
Don't run away. 

Do the things that scare you. 
Courage is what comes afterwards! 
It's okay to be scared
=Get strong while still weak 

The enemy you must face=A reflection
What is outside is a reflection of what's inside 

Fight with the darkness (Slaying the dragon)=Coming to terms with that inner part of yourself that you think is bigger than you. 
Love yourself. Love your dragon. 

Whatever the dragon was hiding, they step away and give it to you. 
There's always a gift after. 

As we overcome our fears, we gain power. 
The best, most rewarding moments come after the struggle! 

What we do with our lives is what makes us heroes or not

Every minus is half of a plus waiting for a strong of vertical awareness! 

Loving and accepting yourself as you are! 
(no more war going on inside of you)→Its powerful 

The treasures you take home after your journey is  "stories" (no concrete or objective thing)  The story of getting the treasure is the treasure. 
The essence of the journey

If you ask yourself the answer will come to you. 
Your story will change someone's life. It's you giving back. 

Life is short! 
How big did you show up? How courageous were you? 
The greatest regret on our deathbed, is all the risks we didn't take and all the opportunities we didn't seize. 

All we must do is get to the "next step" 

The choice to not give up! 
Is a story you're telling yourself, that makes you feel 
like you can overcome anything. 
We have everything that we need already within us! 
