Sunday, February 16, 2020

The reason why dinosaurs went extinct was because they "stopped looking for food" and started having meetings on "how to look for food."

Yesterday was “Kawaguchiko” Oneness
A seminar to get motivated about life!!!


There was so much excitement!

・・・people who cried!

Lots of laughs 


Exchanged hearts!

Exchanged smiles!

Exchanging drinks!

And deepened our lives together! 

Friend explosion!





Big thank you to all the staff! 

Everyone in Team Kai!!!

I’m thankful for the support by those in each region


Let’s learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki’s mail magazine!


■ “What you do first” decides your life 

┌1) Did dinosaurs become extinct because of meetings?!

There’s this joke in America. 


“The real reason dinosaurs went extinct is because, 
They stopped looking for food, 
And instead starting having meetings on how to find food.”


It’s a banter at “long, unproductive meetings”

You may also have had experienced them. 

There’s an interesting research on this point. 

In the early 1990’s, Psychology Prof. Glen Littlepage from MiddleTennessee 
State University and Julie Pool conducted the  following experiment. 

They created 24 groups of 3-5 subjects, and had each group have a meeting. 

On a variety of themes.  

“Hiring a temporary secretary” 
“Purchasing 600 PCs” etc. 

The range of difficulty and importance varied from topic to topic. 

What the research team focused on was “the time spent per agenda”. 

Which agenda took up the most time for discussion? 

As a result of the measurement, an unexpected fact was revealed. 

┌2)“What you do first” decides your life 

It was neither the “seemingly important agendas” or the 
“seemingly difficult agendas”.


Surprisingly, it was 【the first agenda taken up】


It seems that humans tend to subconsciously 
Think that what’s done first is most important. 

Regarding this, many people try to start from 
“what is  easy” or “what can be done right away.” 

If you do this, the mind begins to think that the “miscellaneous” things
are what’s important and your life is spent passionately on those things. 

It’s a bit scary isn’t it. 

That’s all the more reason why you should do very first 
what will most connect you to your future. 

One example is having a conversation with the “treasure map” 
of your ideal future

Your life is not decided by “what you do”
It’s about “what you do first”. 

Thank you for reading to today! 

Reference for today’s article was taken with gratitude from below. 

“Super MTG”

2020年 Sunmark 
著者 Steven G. . Rogelberg
訳者 Naomi Sakurada

What you do first?!


What you can do today to give your life impact! 

Start with going that first!        


Beautiful Women Subscription service
Bringing out the shine in you from many directions!

A new service announcement 
“Subscription” session that’s a hot topic now.
