I met with Kenji Kohashi
He gave me a lecture on Vipassana meditation.
Buddha (all those who pioneered enlightenment are called Buddha)
It was a rediscovery!!!
Vipassana had already existed.
However, people only knew about it and it wasn't being implemented.
Gautama Siddhartha
tried every method possible.
Many many methods of meditation.... Mantras, ascetic practices.
What is freeing oneself
What is pollution?(Dirt, vanity etc )
Truth is always only on the inside.
The internal universe →freeing oneself
It's not that Buddha created Buddhism
Anyone can do Vippassana. Anyone can free oneself.
Asceticism is not necessary.
He continued to preach the practices!!!
After he passed away, his disciples made his teachings into the Buddhist religion.
They divided into sects and the scriptures reminded.
But the practice did not remain.
Revival of the practices
Experiencing it through your body!!
Feels comfortable →Craving, obsessions, attachment
What you don't like →To let go, hate
2500 years ago,
Vipassana was forgotten.
Only the words remained.
Those words were protected in 1969 by a certain tribe in Myanmar
The government got involved, and it changed things greatly.
Satya Narayan Goenka (was raised in a family of merchants!$$$)
Suddenly gets a sickness with a unknown cause
Wherever he goes to, nobody can help him recover ・・・
Eventually, he finds out about Vipassana
On the second day, he almost tries to run away.
How about trying for just one more day?
On the 3rd day, at long last, he find the light!!!
He becomes a disciple
and goes to India to spread the word.
Only one time!!!
And that repeated process spreads it around the world!!!
There is a legend in Myanmar
That Vipassana will be spread from Myanmar to India and then to the world・・・
That was me!!!
In Japan, it's only in Chiba and Kyoto.
As there is an issue with emerging religions, its spread was suppressed.
The facility is all entirely supported and run through charity and going there is free.
It lives off of donations.
Service (dhana) is also an important act.
Buddha had continued to spread Vipassana to all people.
He even changed a killer who had killed 999 people and he changed into a righteous man!
People are not fulfilled no matter what things they gain.
↓↓↓Below explains the system↓↓↓
I will mention the special wisdom here・・・
Humans do not see
99% of the lies
1% that is truth!
All things are elementary particles
an alive energy
When that stops=oneness
The pollutions from the past appears as "pain"
its born and disappears and is born and disappears ・・・
Physical sensation→tingling
If you don't respond, it comes up
If you chase it, it escapes you.
Just feel it.
Let go
Now is 〇〇〜
Getting attached to feeling good is also not good.
Let it go.
True wisdom is
learned through your body and experience
It's optimistic and practical
Dharma(=love that does not seek return)
Having no motive is the motive
If something unpleasant happens
Do not focus on that thing
but observe that feeling in your body
and then find a solution.
Today I've selected excerpts for those who are interested about
"Why laughter is needed in story composition"
and "how to be able to speak to encourage laughter?"
From "SUGOI! Way of Speaking!" about the importance of laughter.
![]() | さりげなく人を動かす スゴイ! 話し方
【SUGOI! Way of speaking】(excerpted from page 223 "The importance of laughter" )
"A very important element in seminars or speeches includes "laughter".
"Laughter" is the same was doing work together,
it softens the atmosphere of the space,
and is effective for not letting the attendees get bored.
By regularly mixing in moments of laughter,
it helps to refresh the hearts of the those listening.
In fact, when you laugh it loosens your cheek muscle and that is known
to heighten your learning abilities rather than listening with a serious face.
Using current topics to bring about laughter is great,
or you can also bring about laughter through your relationship with the person hosting, or in relations with those attending and the place where the event is being held."
The message I got from this page
When you listen to many people's speeches or seminars, you can understand the importance of "laughter".
"Laughter" is necessary in speaking composition.
All those who are good at speaking, including Takumi will always include "laughter."
People often suggest to me after I speak publicly or give some sort of explanation in public, "It would probably be better if you included a bit more laughter?"
As is written in this page, when you laugh, it truly does heighten one's learning abilities.
To put it differently, I understood it that if you don't include "laughter"
it won't lead to any of all these things below.
・moving the person listening
・making them cry
・persuading them
・having them resonate with you.
And here a question comes up.
"How does one speak and also intersperse space for laughter?"
Please learn about that from this book "SUGOI! Way of Speaking!"