The amount of information is proportional to
the distance travelled squared.
If you are in a slump, go far!
If you could go back on a time machine and meet yourself
when you were that young girl or young boy.....
How would the you back then see the you now?
And now, a 3D Takumi Yamazaki is now complete!
Koichi Iwamoto
Hiroyuki Okada
Takafumi Kinoshita and Mayumi,
Thank you so much!
Asa-Taku Talk live with Yuji Arakawa !!!
![]() | ていうか、神さまってなに? やばいほど願いが叶い出す!!
Yesterday's FREENATION was awesome too!
Grateful to all the support from those in each area!
It won the Academy Award!!
![]() | 見るだけで9割かなう!魔法の宝地図