Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I won't be able to use LINE@ soon. Please get my blog info from here...

Soon I won't be able to use "LINE @" anymore. 
I won't be able to alert you when I update my blog. 

Going forward, please confirm via 

Instagram stories

Or・・・List of posts

If you regularly check this blog, you'll 
gain "small talk skills" 
be able to "see the future" 
and overflow "with choices." ・・・

I'll do my best to make it such a blog (lol) 

Takumi Yamazaki 

Are you in the drivers seat of your life?! 

Steve Jobs said (in his speech at Stanford) 

"Life is limited. You must not waste time. 
You must not spend your life, trying to meet the expectations of others." 

You shouldn't live for someone's "recognition" or "expectation" 

I ask myself this. 

What is it that I really want to do? 
What is it that I really must do? 

Am I really me? 

Each day, we have 70,000 ideas. 
Like the bubbles in a champagne glass. 
That space between the bubbles is "you." 

I was told this, 
and learned that what I think or what I think about is not truly me. 

 And furthermore, these bubbles come from the whole. 

Am I in fact not really choosing anything? 
Is everything actually decided for me? 

Not by me, 
or the future or the past? 

The bubbles continue to appear. 
Just going through me, 
and something is choosing. 

A programmed organism. 
I am conscious of this, but I am not choosing it. 

Let's enjoy it! 
And be interested in it. 


"A leader is someone who gives out hope" 

(Napoleon Boneparte) 
Noda-san mail magazine・・・

"Passes out"  "hope" =A Leader
