Sunday, December 22, 2019

"You" are not "your thoughts." Forgiving yourself. Nature does not need permission to grow!

I heard this from MEG at a cafe the other day ・・・

8 important life structures
・Ego (a world where you're not superior, inferior or equal. You are unique. There is no separation) 
・Livelihood (Mission) 
・Body Temple 

In these 8 life structures, as yourself how you feel about each of them? Which stage are you in? 


These are the 4 stages 

In the TO MEstage ・・・
You're blaming yourself 
You're blaming others or feel shame. 
Full of complaints or excuses of why things aren't possible for you. 

The stories you believe↑・・・These can end up hurting you.
A stage where you are creating your own limitations and believing in the lie of separation. 

・・・How woud my life be without my greatest complain? 

Collective awareness:
When you are believing the thought patterns imprinted on you from youth. 

Mentations (thought cycles) :
You are affected by the thoughts you unconsciously think day after day. Your thought patterns and habits. 

Recognize those thoughts that you have when you are not doing anything, and write them down. 

"You" are not "your thoughts" 
Discover yourself without judgement so that you can make new choices and choose a new you. 
"Your thought patterns" are not "you" 

Become aware of the thought patterns where you are blaming others! 
Those thought patterns can also be a 「+」at times. 

Forgiving yourself, life!
Forgiving others, forgiving yourself!
Unforgiving is hurting your own self, so forgive yourself for that. 
1) Be willing to forgive
2) Practice forgiveness 
3) See things from their perspective 
4) Wish them the best 
5) Send them positive energy or do something to support them. 

The universe is always evolving 
We are also living in that evolvement (=part of that universe) 
So when we are resistant to change, we often feel pain. 

In the BY MEstage・・・

Find out your subconscious beliefs.
Guard your own thoughts!
Re-write the worst case scenario into the best case scenario! Into excitement! 

Wealth consciousness・・・it doesn't go away 
Even if you take abundance from abundance, abundance still remains. 
Why?!→Because its always circulating 

Stop thinking that you are "spending money"
Rather consider that you are "circulating energy." 
Which are you? Are you "spending" or "circulating"? 

Affirmations 3 times a day 
"I (your name) am worthy to have all of my needs met all of the time!" 
You (your name) are worthy to have all of your needs met all of the time!" 
He/she (your name) is worthy to have all of his/her needs met all of the time!" 「私は(自分

The river does not need to deserve to flow or the trees deserve to grow. 
Nature does not need to deserve abundance. It simply is. 


『What we think 

   or what we know 

or what we believe 

is in the end of little consequence. 

The only thing of consequence 

is what we DO

 (John Ruskin)

From Noda-san mail magazine・・・




