Monday, December 23, 2019

What you really want is a "feeling". A condition-based era of "When I get ○○..." is over

From KANAKONAITOsan's blog


How to create a "future" that is "outside your cognition" 

I was successful in creating an unexpected future, 
with unexpected speed. 

And furthermore, it was through an insanely simple method. 

 Today I will share with you that method. 

(1)Was the past you able to imagine the you today?
(2)It's hard to "recognize" the future
(3)What is it you want?
(4)The story of how I put Hermes, Louboutin, Celene all in a garbage bag and threw it away.
(5)The "future" won't come even if you start with your "past"?


What you really want is a 『feeling』

The "feeling" you get when you get what you want 
Or the "feeling" when its close. This is what you want. 

If what you want is a "feeling" 
then you must be selective about that "feeling" 

・・・・I mean, 
The era of just meeting all the conditions you can
 think of and dreaming about that is over. 

And also, the people around you who you will bring with you 
also includes your "past self." 
Go as you are, hurts and all. To the future. 

Even you're traumas. Bring them with you. To the future. 
When you get to that future, 
that young you who was crying in your arms, 
will laugh. 

(excerpts from blog)


Yesterday was Kobe・・・

It was the Christmas rally!

The annual red and white song battle!!!

It was lots of fun!


Grateful to those in each area!


I got this information from Ban-kun・・・

Annual income of 2.8 million at 5 years old (lol)  
I wonder what kind of life this child will go on to live、、、、
↓ ↓ ↓
 Since 2015, Forbes has continued listing the You Tube Channels worldwide with the highest annual income. The top of this list for 2019 is a 5 year old boy who reviews toys 「Ryan's World」His annual income is 26 million dollars (roughly 2.8 billion yen) 

Out of the top 10 You Tubers, 2 of them are children under 10 years of age, and 5 are gamers. 


From Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine


■ Periods of silence create masterpieces

┌1)Is success "effort" or "talent"? 

Is success "effort" or "talent"?

This is a theme that has been debated since forever. 

Regarding this point, 

cognitive psychologist John Hayes from Carnegie Mellon University 
did a wonderful study. 

"How much time does it take for artists to birth a masterpiece? 
Hayes worked first on the area of classical music. 

He analyzed thousands of old songs created from 1685 to 1900, 
and narrowed it down to 500 songs that are still being played/performed now. 

Hayes analyzed the careers of the 76 song writers who composed these famous songs, and researched how much time it took for these masterpieces to be birthed. 

As a result, he discovered amazing facts. 

┌2)Periods of silence create masterpieces

Surprisingly, out of the 500 songs, 497 of them were composed over 10 years after the musicians/songwriters started on the path of music. 

This law also applied to Mozart 
and other maestros who were considered prodigies.  

"An early blooming genius is inspired and suddenly comes up with a famous song. " 

The stories we imagine are in fact fiction. 

Hayes then did the same research for 132 poets who made history with their masterpieces. 

In this case also,  for 80% of the total, it took over 10 years of preparation before writing their most creative piece of work. 

Hayes named this preparation period before birthing their masterpiece 


"10 years of silence" 


Others can only evaluate 
what people show on the outside. 

However, to create something that can be seen, 
it takes unseen time for preparation. 

The longer that time is, the deeper those roots, 
and as a result, it births a large flower. 

It's that period of silence that births masterpieces. 

Thank you for reading! 

With gratitude, references below for today's episode. 

"Bounce: Beckham, Serena, Mozart and the Science of Success"
P.111 (Japanese version) 

2010  Kashiwa publisher
Author Matthew Syed
Translator Hiroo Yamagata, Sakura Morioka 

I feel kind of relieved〜
I'm glad to hear it〜
It takes time for me to get started, you know〜 TAKU