Monday, December 2, 2019

The important thing is "to not wrestle with the past"

NutriProbio is really really great〜

Anyone interested↓↓↓Please contact my staff, Ban


The past is nothing more than "that person's current interpretation of what they remember to have happened." 

What ultimately decides the past・present is the future. 

Your interpretation of the past changes, depending on what happens in the future. 

What's important is "to not wrestle with the past". 

If now is shining, the future will shine, and naturally, your negative experiences (past) will also change into good memories, so don't look back all the time.


About Love」 From Osho's words

Love comes second, Meditation comes first. 

 "And I want you to love yourself. Because if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love others. However, if you don't know yourself, the you cannot love yourself--that's why love comes second, and meditation comes first.

  Surprisingly, if you meditate and can get out of your ego, and your own personality and understand your true self, love happens on its own. You don't need to do anything, it blossoms on his own. But that only blossoms in a certain climate and I call that climate meditation. It is a climate of silence--no mind, there is no inner confusion, a perfect clarity, and in that peace and silence, suddenly, you find that thousands of flowers blossom inside of you, and the fragrance is love." 

Excerpts from Osho, The Invitation,#30 

Cancer test with one drop of blood. 
Toshiba, making a practical kit available in 2021. 

Toshiba developed a testing kit that can discover 13 types of cancer from one drop of blood. It claims to be able to find out within 2 hours with 99% precision whether you have cancer. They aim to begin testing with cancer patients in 2020, and use it for actual blood tests and health checks in 2021-2022. This test is planned to be made available for under 20,000 yen. 

It can supposedly verdict with 99% precision whether you have one of 13 types of cancer, such as intestinal cancer, lung cancer, pancreas cancer etc. It was also able to discover cancer in the early stages when it is still under 1 cm. 

That is amazing! 
It's becoming cheaper and has greater accuracy. 
When that happens, 
how you you spend your time becomes important. 

Let's learn from Ken Honda's online seminar! 


How to find your life' purpose
(excerpted pointers)

1)Find out what excites you

2) Search for the core reason for the things you've poured energy into

3)Come to terms with your past

4)Meet wonderful people

5)Chase after mysterious coincidences  

Gluten Free ↓↓↓


↓↓↓So wonderful↓↓↓

There are many people who make a unnecessary fuss 
thinking that the age of "30 years old" is the edge of some kind of cliff 

But really, its rare to find someone who is satisfied 
with their work, personal life and relationships at 30 years old. 
Everyone has some kind of issues and 
are still children that basically just got better at pretending to be adults. 

30 is still a little chick. 

If you were a flower, you'd still be a bud. 
You're not on the edge of any cliff, 
its more like your life has just begun. 

You can't see the future ahead? 
Of course you can't. 
Because at 30, there's still a long long road ahead. 

That's how young you are. 
If you're 30, you can redo your life at least 5 times. 

Number of births short of 900,000   19 years, casts shadow on social security and growth 2 years earlier than expected 
So it seems. 
When I was born in Showa 40, 
There were about 2 million new births. 

50 years have passed and its half that number ・・・
What about 50 years from now・・・
and・・・what about 100 years later?!
It's a 100-year generation. 
Our children born now are the ones who will live in this generation. 

If, if it was decided that you would not fail, 
what would you do? 

Would like to think of some new moves, wouldn't you? 

Azabujuban meeting! Thanks everyone