Sunday, December 8, 2019

Questions from God.... "Did you enjoy life?" "Were you kind to others?"

Today I'm headed to Yokohama. 
I will speak at Pacifico at the Christmas Rally. 


"A Question from God" 

If you can remember this question, 
you won't hesitate about what you should do now. 

The reason why things don't go well for many people is 
because they 


Continually be conscious of these two things. 

The 2 questions are・・・

1: Did you enjoy life?
2: Were you kind to others? 


Team Nutrilite・・・Supports sports players!

↓↓↓See details here↓↓↓

It's Takato Fukushima. 

Today I'll share about "The Project of Life" 

Taken from the first chapter about "goals" 
(I plan to share excerpts from chapters 2-4 as well) 

人生のプロジェクト (Sanctuary books)人生のプロジェクト (Sanctuary books)1,539円

Here is the Fukushima select

【The Project of Life】(p59:about "Goals")

In order to you enjoy your life, first is a good idea to confirm "what it is you want to be free from" "how would you be happy things becoming." 

What do you want to do? How do you want to become? 
What makes your heart dance, and skip a beat in excitement? 

By continually asking yourself these questions, your purpose=Vision will naturally become clearer.

Why I chose this↓↓

Those you can't find what they want to do or their goals, 
please try finding "what you don't want to do" first. 

And then eliminating those things is one way to go about it. 

Then what you want to do (what you want to be freed from) will become clearer slowly. 

As is written in "The Project of Life" 

his perspective of "What do I want to be freed from?" 
before setting your "goal" is very important. 
There are many things that we can be inconvenienced by. 
In my case, on top of that, 

I can tend to feel "the low quality of fulfillment." 

What do I want to do? 
How do I want to become? 
I learned about the importance of asking and reminding myself of this every day. 

I learned that, "goals are not set to change your future, but to change your present." 

Lastly, I'd like to share words that Takumi-san said. 
"There are many people whose dreams or goals don't come true. 
However, there are also many people whose life changed because they had a dream or goal." 

These words gave me a lot of energy‼️

『The Project of Life』
Please do havr a read, and create a life even better than you have now. 

 From Mochizuki-san's mail magazine!!!

■ "Not running away" is excellent service

┌1)The science of "bring me the person in charge!"

「585 times」。

This is the number of times that Shinji Koshikawa, 
who was at that time the Chief Quality Officer of Microsoft Japan 
made apology visits while he was on the ground. 

Any company, can't work if their PC system isn't working. 

It's normal to want to say, "Bring out the person in charge!"

During the two years that Koshikawa-san was in the company, 
he sincerely and wholeheartedly handled 585 complaints. 

As a result, he understood the true intention hidden in the words "Bring out the person in charge!"

Koshikawa-san took statistics and compiled them into the following best 4.

┌2)"Not running away" is excellent service


1st place 34%

To confirm the business attitude of the company 
to see if relations can continue for a long time, going forward.

2nd place 22%

To clarify the scope of responsibility

3rd place 18%

To eliminate anxiety

4t place 12%
To spit out emotions!


What is the person who says "Bring me the person in charge!" looking at? 

Ultimately, it's the posture of not "running away." 

No matter how excellent a company, there will undoubtedly be a time when unexpected accidents happen.

The first step to solving the problem is to show the customer 

your posture that you are not "trying to escape or run away."

This is the only place where the issue will truly be resolved. 

Koshikawa-san figured this out and changed the way he interacted and his attitude/posture. 

As a result, there was only 1 company in 2 years that ended their contract.

He even received an additional total order of 【6.3 billion yen】
As it deepened the ties with the client! 

And now, as an independent consultant, 
he says that half of his clients are companies he made apology visits too. 

This is how much value "not running away" has.

"Not running away" also is an excellent service. 

Thank you for reading. 

Reference for today's article taken from below, with gratitude

"The secret of apologies
 Business method of
 lowering your head to increase your sales."

Published in 2019, Shogakukan (小学館)
Author Shinji Koshikawa  