Tuesday, December 10, 2019

”Creating an economic zone" =With a certain category as infrastructure, make everything from nursing food, lodging, births, to marriages possible.

12/21 is Asa TAKU in Tokyo
I hope to see you all there!!!

The guest we are inviting this time is 
Spiritual Counselor/Mind Consultant
Namie Fujiwara-san
The theme is "Motivational skills to awaken your soul" 
There just might be a public session on the day?!

The world will change dramatically in 2020!
Why once 5G starts, TV will quickly go out of style. 

It'll get faster!

When judging something・・・
Putting into order what is your "evaluation criteria" 

Will it please the customers?
Will it make them happy?
Will it make them smile?
Get along?

「Even though」management!!!

Even though 〇〇

Feeling like they got value

Even though its a school mean・・・
Even though its a temple・・・

Successful people 
the business type (category) doesn't show. 

Through food=category

The birds eye view gets wider
Voice gets stronger 


We will support our neighbors' smile, 
and expand a chain reaction of smiles! 

bad example)↓↓↓

Through our work, 
we will support our neighbors smile・・・

Can those managing the business say it by heart?! 
Once they can= they no longer waver.  


Economic zone

With a certain category as infrastructure, make everything from nursing food, lodging, births, to marriages possible. 

From the cradle to the grave・・・
Create a world that encloses/includes everything.
I recommend this seminar!

↓↓↓Ivana Chubbuck↓↓↓

Ivana Chubbuck is an acting coach who is well known for having coached many Hollywood stars who are now famous worldwide, and was even called "Hollywood's secret weapon" 

・Brad Pitt
・Charlise Theron
・Halle Berry
・Jim Carrey
・Sylvester Stallone
・Meg Ryan
・Gal Gadot
・James Franco
・Jake Gyllenhaal
・Jon Voight
・Elisabeth Shue
・Gimon Honso
・Terrence Howard
・Katherine Keener
・Jared Leto

In present progressive form, actors and actresses who were coached by her, continue to succeed using her method. 


Conversation between Jack Ma and Masayoshi Son 
"What is most needed in this era of AI is human development" 


"In the past, we were taught to memorize more things, calculate faster, and to gain more knowledge.We were taught how to work like machines. However, now we have created machines that are more and more like humans. 
For this very reason, the education style must change, and it will become necessary to guarantee a way that our children can acquire skills of Creativity Construction, Innovation." 

"AI will give birth to new jobs, and we will always continue to find new and exciting work."