Friday, December 27, 2019

Because you "want to be thought of as great" decide in your heart to "become a really great person!"

『 "Genuine" and "fake" 

is decided in unseen places. 

However, particularly the "fake"  people are 
only concerned about what can be seen, 
and decorate themselves, and become more and more 
"a real fake." 

(Educator, Yoshio Toui) 

From Noda-san's mail magazine


Once upon a time, 

I did my best as I wanted to "be thought of as a great person." 
When people started praising me, "you're amazing! you're great!" 
my motivation disappeared at once. 

I went to my former track and field teacher for advice. 
I took a day trip to Mie, as I was living in Hiroshima at the time. 

When I asked my teacher, about my loss of motivation・・・
He asked 
"Are people talking bad of you?" "
"Are things not going well?" 
The answer was "no". 
"Things are going well and people are saying good things." 

Your cup has overflowed. 

Because you "want to be thought of as great", 
you are being required to shift to "become a truly great human." 

The teacher asked me, "What was track and field to you, Takumi?" 

I couldn't answer. 

"Track and field if I recall correctly was an art to you, Takumi.
If that work is an art, there is no end. 
If that work is work, there will be an end." 

He told me that and it lifted the weight on my heart. 
I didn't know what I needed to do, 
but I knew the way out. 

 I will  make this work an art!
 That's what I decided in my heart, once upon a time at age 21. 

Grateful to everyone in each area!

Congratulations on PSP!!!