In the coming era・・・
S=spiritual(=mental culture)
E=economic activity
It's necessary for civilization!!!
Today I talked with Toki-chan about this!
Today's radio recording in Okinawa!!!
We recorded in our car on our way to the next place!(lol)
It's planned to be aired on December 15th!
Everyone in Okinawa, please have a listen〜!!!
For text information, see・・・
The content is about " life's events =dots that connect to a line"
Thank you, Wataru!
This is mine・・・
That thing when I was 25 was probably the biggest happening in my life〜
But, when we decided to build a house,
my mother had a psychic look at the house blue prints.
Actually two psychics both said to "move the position of the toilet" and that "your son will live an outstanding lifestyle. Especially from May next year his life will dramatically improve."
And in May, the problem broke out.
So that largely changed my perspective on it.
However, when I tried to accept it, people advised me that "it's absurd, you should speak up more" so that made things confusing・・・
There were times that I holed myself up in a hotel in Shinjuku for 2 days watching adult videos just to keep myself from thinking about things in a negative way.
The problem isn't the problem.
Getting to the point of accepting the problem is the problem.
「How did it get like this?・・・」
「Why just me・・・」
「That person too・・・」
「What's the merit・・・」
the stage when you can't accept it is the most difficult.
Once you accept it, it becomes a challenge,
and that's where you can restart your life.
Ayumu was also involved in an accident that was "0:10" (completely the other's fault)
He was involved in a hit and run and was unconscious for about a week・・・
Having broken bones in 70 parts of his body, he wandered between life and death
and after that came the hell of severe pain.
The time when he was cursing it was the toughest, and from the moment is said "okay, I got it" and accepted it
he said that life became anew!
Wow, we're at full acceleration from this morning! Lol
Our vehicle today is headed to・・・
"DateSoba" !!!
It was so good〜
This Date Soba・・・I wish they had it in Japan〜
I had Soki soba with topping
3 slices of meat and natto (lol)
Next we'll be having our talk live in Hakata!!!
![]() | まず、バカになろう
Please share with hash tag #マズバカ (#mazubaka)
Today I'll share excerpts from 『The Emotion Switch』
『“Jealousy” is nothing special and is always lurking around in every day life』
![]() | 一瞬で気持ちの整理ができる「感情のスイッチ」 ココロにやさしいマイ・ルール19
I chose this phrase that helped me realize this.
【The Emotion Switch】(p69: Excerpt from "how to overcome jealousy" )
"Within our emotions, there is both light and dark and that's what makes it perfect.
"Within our emotions, there is both light and dark and that's what makes it perfect.
We walk both in the light and dark and that's how we grow as a human being.
So first, start with not being afraid and acknowledging your jealous self.
Why I chose it
I often have the emotion of
"That person is amazing"
"That person is so great."
If it was just an aspirational feeling, that would be fine,
but sometimes it morphs into a feeling of jealousy and envy like,
"Why does only that person・・・"
"Despite me still being in this state・・・"
From this book, I understood that jealousy is not to be considered as something so bad,
but what is important is "how you perceive it?".
The book uses the expression "subliminal".
In other words, how to ensure it works for your good and helps you to rise higher.
So what sprouted inside of me is "good jealousy"
then I could use it as motivation to shine my diamond in the rough.
If it's "bad jealousy" let's put it another way.
For example,
"Thanks to that person, I was able to learn or realize this."
by simply rephrasing things, then it can change from an emotion of jealousy to gratitude.
Just by adding "thanks to" then your perception of the thing changes.
This is a way of controlling emotions that I recently was taught.
And when I was trying it out, this phrase from this book jumped out at me and was perfect.
Don't hope for only good emotions,
it's important that emotions have both light and dark.
If you only have one, it causes your relationship with your emotions to be off kilter and we stop growing as humans.
I felt there is so much truth to that.
How we decide to perceive the things that happen, our perception, will greatly affect our emotions.
In "The Emotion Switch", Takumi-san writes,
"The most important point is that I want you to make your own ways of thinking, and your own rules."
I hope after you read this book it will provide you with hints to create your own personal rules.
Oh my!Arai-san.・・On Kokusai street?!