Friday, November 1, 2019

Open and Closed Questions..... The quality of your questions changes the quality of your conversations

↓↓↓What was this again?!↓↓↓

I think someone taught me this・・・
It was in my notes

↓↓↓ The "Quality of your questions" changes the "Quality of your conversations" ・・・


「What brought you to 
the work you are doing now? 」


「How did you gain your expertise?」


「What does your work actually entail?」

Question 4

「What do you like and dislike about your work? 」

Question 5

「Could you tell me what a regular day for you looks like? 」


What's important here is....


Open Questions 
and c
Closed Questions 

Understand the difference to be able to smoothly navigate conversations! 


Open questions are effective when you want to get as much information as you can from the other person. 

Closed questions are a way of asking questions that limit the answer of the other person to "yes or no" or to a few limited answers. 

Understand the different characteristics of each to use them wisely. 


Toshitaka Mochizuki-san's mail magazine speaks to me every time! 


■ Value is born from the story

A Revolution or a Joke/Prank

Among art, there is art that is called 
Contemporary Art/Avant-garde Art 

For example・・・


「The Black Square」・
「White over White」

These were created in 1915 and 1918 
by Russian artist, Kazimir Malevich. 

The "Black Square" is, 
just as its named, 
a Black Square that fills the canvas. 

"White on White" is 
a slanted white square 
drawn on a white canvas. 

Everyone thinks, 
"even a child could draw this." 


The latter has a successful bid of
6 thousand dollars (about 6.5 billion yen) 
in 2008


With this title, 
what lies in front of your eyes is 
a boys urinal titled "R. Mutt" 

This piece of "art" released by
artist Marcel Duchamp
in 1917, caused a controversy. 

Everyone thinks, 
"What a joke!" 


The latter has a successful bid of
6 thousand dollars (about 6.5 billion yen) 
In 2017, this piece of art was 
sold to a Greek collector 
for 2 million dollars (about 210 million yen) 

Furthermore, it was for a replica, 
as the original was discarded 
and only a photo of it remained.

「4 minutes 33seconds」

”Work of art" by 
American musician 
John Cage. 

The entire musical score is 
TACET (rest)

Even if the composer comes out, 
he does nothing for 4 minutes 33 seconds, 
and ends without a sound.

Why are such "jokes/pranks" 
acclaimed for future generations?

┌2)Value is born from the story

The answer is because there was 
"context (story) "

Before this artwork, 
there was a long history of art. 

And this artwork, through the simplest perception
destroyed the meaning given to that history. 

The acclamation goes to the 
resolution and insight of the person who 
enacted these stories. 

We are living in a generation 
where we are free to find meaning 
and be moved.

That's exactly why, 
if you have a strong purpose and resolution 
towards what you are doing now, 
that will become value.

Value is born from the stories.

Thank you for reading. 

References for today's episode is taken from below. 
Thank you so much! 


2018(second printing)

Author Beau Lotto
Translator Naomi Sakurada

「The Formula 
The Universal Laws of Success』」

2019 Kobunsha

Author Albert Laszlo Barabasi
Translator Toshiko Eguchi


Yesterday I went to the "Basquiat" Exhibition!!!

It says you can understand it in 3 minutes (lol) 

"Bohemian" in New York is the former atelier and original home site of Jean Michel Basquiat! 

"TAKUMEN" is somewhere different〜

Met up with Meg after that・・・

She's learning about Ishiris33 method. Very interesting〜

Cake was great too・・・


↓↓↓I would love for you to watch this movie・・・↓↓↓

When you have time・・・

English!!!I wanna speak English!
