Yesterday was a one night seminar at Kawaguchi Lake, with 1400 attendees!!!

English here:

Everyone who achieved Emerald! Congratulations!!

I talked passionately, lol!

The excitement of 1400 people・・・
I hope to go again! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Please sign up to the online salon!
This is a club activity for ABO :)
English here:
Have you seen this Tarantino Film?!
The song played after the last speech was ・・・
■October 5th (Sat) SUGOI! Way of Talking
Starter seminar and explanation about joining the academy
Each time, school principal Takumi Yamazaki talks about the latest topics in an interesting and dapper manner.
Each time, school principal Takumi Yamazaki talks about the latest topics in an interesting and dapper manner.
With a 2 hour seminar, you will experience a "SUGOI! Way of Talking" that
you can use starting tomorrow! ■October 15th (Tue) ASA-TAKU 【Meeting your real self】@Osaka
Theme:【Meeting your real self】
Guest:Kenji Kohashi
(CEO and Creative Director of LeaR Co., Lt)
The way of living that Kohashi-san discusses called "Second ID"
The way of living that Kohashi-san discusses called "Second ID"
I believe his words will resonate with you.
![]() | セカンドID―「本当の自分」に出会う、これからの時代の生き方