Monday, September 16, 2019

The future wasn't to be pictured. It's something to be peeked into!

Six month seminar・・・
has started!!!

A continuation of surprises and excitement・・・

Every time people use muscles they don't usually use・・・
Everyone starts shining all at once!!!

It was such a real picture of the future that it brought me to tears・・・

 I'm really looking forward to going to Atami・・・
With these members〜

I discovered the Atami group leader, lol! 
I'm counting on you! !

Everyone is walking on the timeline and 
Is the recording the hints that come from the scenes that they are seeing
and recording it on their smartphones as they peer into the future. 

The future wasn't something to be pictured. 
It's something to be peeked into!


This song by Naori...
I love it so much I bought it!!!

↓↓↓I would love for you all to buy it and listen to it too〜↓↓↓


Appreciation to people from each region!
