The moment of fame picture which birth life・・・
The moment of fame picture which birth life・・・
How to create Happy hormon to reduce tiring and stress
《PHP publishing 》
10 method of release stress in mentally and phisically
1、Sleep before 12am.
2、Don't touch PC after dinner
3、Don't talk on the cell phone in the night. put cell phone away when you sleep.
1~3 helps to create melatonine for Sleep hormone.
4、Bathe in the sun(for morning shift)
5、walk 30 min in the morning and night(jogging、cycling、swimming for 30min)
6、Take breath(This is one of rhythm work )
try abdominal breathing for 5min in a day
4~6 helps for serotonin neuron
7、family conversation
8、couples relationship
9、show the feelings
10、be sincere
Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.