Thank you for yesterday.

Tomoman and Takasyu・・・Thank you.

Here you go in Kansai! lol


Tomoman and Takasyu・・・Thank you.
Here you go in Kansai! lol
SUPER Yarukino Switch jissen seminor
Official Facebook page!
Today was great day too!
This is the level of making reality. lol
Thank you for participants.

great experience ♪

「Draw the future as reality」
「Thino about what to do until achievement」
It is easy said but what is really「draw future as real」「Think about to do」?
Many things will happen in this trust time line・・・
This is real「draw future as real」「Think about to do」

__________________________Today was great day too!
This is the level of making reality. lol
Thank you for participants.
great experience ♪
「Draw the future as reality」
「Thino about what to do until achievement」
It is easy said but what is really「draw future as real」「Think about to do」?
Many things will happen in this trust time line・・・
This is real「draw future as real」「Think about to do」
application of Chnage iPhone for “senior”「Silverline」--from Singapore
★Free internet radio life counselor by Ken Honda~DearKen~
This is URL・・・by Mail magazine!!!
CEO Marissa Mayer by yahoo「What is most important is the choice of high quality in ToDo list」
agnes b“s new movie[INTERVIEW]
nice approach for family in diner time
th documentary
↓↓↓ here ↓↓↓
Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.