Saturday, October 12, 2013

Artist's Way!

■Today's poem(1584th)

『For beautiful eyes, 

   look for the good in others;

 For beautiful lips, 

    speak only words of kindness.』

        (Audrey Hepburn)

Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・

Eyes and lips・・・
That is the reson why.

I sometimes think the person's「personality」is one's「destiny」
The「Personality」hurts others.
The「Personality」encourage others.


My fair Audrey Hepburn! ~the story before she becomes Queen~mic act Audrey hepburn by herself.


What is this?!


¥9,800 -- 燃油込 羽田発ソウル3日間が破格値!ホテル指定もあり
Sky gate

¥21,800 -- ANA Cheap for 3 days Sapporo!hotel near the station 「Time sale」until 10/15
ANA sales

¥5,800 -- 49%OFF!Shanghai crub
Ainin fun fun

¥47,980 -- Sale!Hawaii for 5days!only for 100 people.
Terumi club

¥11,000 -- 『Hoshino Resort Resonale Atami』 with breakfast.
Hoshino Resort

¥32,300 -- 3days at Okinawa with rent a car and other points!Choice from ANA or JAL

¥6,950 -- 45%OFF!New York midtown 4 start hotel warranty of room rank up.
The New Yorker hotel


the artist's wat
Julia Cameron

■Points by Osamu Miyauchi!

・Write down something you like to do in positive impression.

・Think and guess if you were 80th, what you wanted to do.

・Support family. keep your private space.

・let's make new generation for kids. What happened if you raised perfectly? Write down the children's illusion world.


Thank you Mr. Miyauchi.

ジモモ ニューヨーク

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.