Saturday, August 24, 2013

If you want to success, you should watch the war and occult movie.

パリは燃えているか 兵士たちの戦い 名場面で綴る 加古孝 high quality

  • ユーザー名: bluelightwar
  • 10 か月前
  •  17,088 回再生
使用した映画 BASED on Past and ACTUAL EVENTS(事実を描いた物語) 使用した映画 Saving Private Ryan 1998年 Platoon( ...

It is said that If you want to success, you should watch the war and occult movie.

I feel that is true, when I watch this one.
What is your favotrite war movie.


Look at this!


Why this is like this.
Mr. Kanda was saying「Death」is too 「beauty」told as「concept」・・・

I talk about death in my seminor.
I sometimes ask myself whether people in this room has can stand for the topic of death.

『Death』is too『big partner』to face with.

war movie, the scary one・・・
It is easy to put emotion.
I can't stand the high school love story but scary story is scary. lol

Away from「Now」and go into the original world and face with the reality.
This is「success story.」

Isn't it? lol

ジモモ ニューヨーク

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.