Sunday, December 15, 2024

Living a Simple Life: Do What You Love, Avoid What You Don’t

 Check out Takumi’s NEW English youtube channel🎵


A junkie quokka 

She has a baby in her pouch〜




Rottnest Island



She looks a bit like Miyaki Yuko!lol

→My friend from high school. We've known each other for over 40 years.



Can you see the similarities?







Related LINKS



パースからの日帰り旅!インド洋に浮かぶ楽園「ロットネスト島」 | オーストラリア | トラベルjp 旅行ガイドオーストラリア西海岸の沖合18キロ、インド洋に浮かぶ「ロットネスト島」は、西オーストラリア州の州都パースから日帰りで行ける人気の行楽地。島内には63か所もの美しいビーチがあり、海水浴やシュノーケリングが楽しめます。また、可愛い小動物「クオッカ」に出会うことも!今回は、西オーストラリア州の「ロットネスト島」をご紹介します。リンク





Really, when I talk with Haruyo-san, 

the socially-conscious side of me

comes out, so I have to be careful~



The shirt I'm wearing is from takumania!




Check it out here〜〜〜





This is the link to the shop!





For information on Takumi Yamazaki


you can find it all here!




I'm hooked on ‘Queen Maker’ from Japan,

and I've been watching this in Perth.


A political drama that was so sordid I couldn't take it.

 I've finished watching it! (lol)



‘Live your life simply’

The essence of life is simple. 

**Do what you want to do, and avoid what you don't want to do.** 

However, what many people tend to do is to 

think ‘If I can endure this now, then a comfortable future will come’, and they end up overdoing it. 

There is a **‘trap’** there.

What is really important is to **choose the joy of the moment**.

Rather than sacrificing the present for the future, it is important to realise that **the here and now** is the destination of your life.

There is nothing more important than this moment. The here and now is the destination of your life. Bashar x Takumi Yamazaki



This book was written at the height of the pandemic.

Bashar and Takumi Yamazaki had a three-day conversation and

discussed a range of topics.


‘The purpose of life is to be yourself.’

‘Why don't you express yourself?‘ 

‘Why do you avoid enjoying art?’ 

The reason for this may be due to the following assumptions 

- You think it's **not important**. 

- You think it's **not useful to society**. 

- You feel **afraid of what other people will say**. 

But is that true? 

**Art is not for people who worry about what other people will say.** 

Your work exists for those who appreciate it. 

It doesn't need to resonate with everyone. 


‘Delivering the gift of “you” to the world’

The purpose of your life is to be ‘you’ to the fullest extent.

**Why do you hide it?** 

It is not **‘humility’**, but **‘arrogance’**, 

not delivering it to those who need it.

If you don't express yourself, you are depriving those who need your gift of it.

** They are looking for ‘you’.

Every gift has a front and a back, and

there is always someone who needs to receive it.

That is why, please don't withdraw your gift.

There are people waiting for it.

**Don't make them wait.**


‘Your joy and passion are your gifts to the world.’

‘Live in the here and now, and

express yourself to the fullest.

That is your mission.




Live in excitement.

Dream big.




 Over 1000 people have applied to ZEN University,

which will open in April next year...

Half of the students are from N High School and S High School (Yomiuri Shimbun Online)




Sniper: Codename Raven



I wanna watch this!




Lovely cafe's in Perth








The sound I made with LENA...


This is not just any old guided meditation.





**Dream Loop Journey - A journey through the subconscious to realise your dreams**  

Welcome to a special audio experience that combines subconscious work guided by dream realisation producer **Takumi Yamazaki** with music created by pineal gland awakening musician **LENA Saito**.  

Takumi Yamazaki's heart-touching voice guidance gently invites the listener on an inner journey, drawing out the potential that lies dormant within the unconscious. The music is constructed with precision using an analogue synthesiser, incorporating the **solfeggio frequency of 963Hz**, which is said to promote pineal awakening. It dissolves the boundary between dream and reality, bringing about deep relaxation and expansion of consciousness.  

This sound source is recommended for the following people:  

- **Those who want to draw out their inner strength to make their dreams come true**  

- **Those who want inner peace and deep healing**  

- **Those who want to deepen their access to the subconscious**  

- **Those who want to activate the pineal gland and improve their intuition**  

The sacred vibrations of 963Hz harmonise the mind and soul, opening the door to new possibilities. Repeated listening will awaken the power that lies within you.

Take the first step towards making your dreams come true with ‘Dream Loop Journey’.


Open Chat「tokyo retreat」






 December 21st, From 9pm...

We will be holding a free Zoom Tokyo Retreat!

For those who want to feel refreshed

For those who want to feel refreshed

For those who want to resolve their worries

For those who want to feel refreshed about the world around them

For those who want to face themselves

For those who want to improve their imagination

For those who want to stabilise their meditation

For those who want to gain confidence in life

For those who want to keep smiling

We're waiting for you!




Please join the open chat to get the latest on it〜〜〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Friday, December 13, 2024

It's hot in Perth!


AI is evolving incredibly!

A friend sent me this



Google's Gemini 2.0 was updated today, and

the function that allows you to ask questions 

while showing the screen from around 11 minutes 32 seconds of the video

looks really useful!



Today, Friday the 13th, from 9pm

The tickets will be released that this event 

I will also be on stage at the AGE★MAN Festival 2025

Let's have a blast together in 2025!





Thank you for visiting!




Kaoru-san said he's into watching this !



Who will wear the bride's dress Episode 1




The temperature in Perth is an abnormal 40 degrees!
Welcome party
This was hosted at a winery!
Thank you!
The talk about 20+20+20 was good〜〜〜
Sapporo is minus 6?!




Thank you!
I'll be able to release my oracle cards soon!





Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s