Saturday, November 13, 2021

"The intelligence in the unconscious mind"


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角川武蔵野ミュージアムアート・博物・本の複合文化ミュージアム 角川武蔵野ミュージアムリンク



"Who am I?" 

"Why am I different from you?" 

Spiritual= unconscious + soul 


 The heart is the activity of the brain 


Understanding Spirituality with Science


I don't know myself 


How the unconscious works

 High speed elevator

 High altitude   Save the cat 

 VR goggles   Even though you know its virtual space

 We get scared and don't want to walk. 

 Even in virtual space, the unconscious screams, if you fall, you'll die! 


Humans don't act through their consciousness

because their subconscious intervenes 

and they aren't able to do what they were conscious of! 


The other me that is in my subconscious 


Left brain   Conscious    Right eye 

Right brain   Subconscious   Left eye (doesn't have language comprehension) 




Right brain (unconscious) understands language and has the intelligence to carry out commands.


The left brain (conscious)

is a self-justifying intelligence 

that tries to justify why you just laughed 

even though it doesn't know why. 


The right brain can also develop a personality of sorts.


The big 5 theories of the mystery of "I"


The "other me" in the unconscious

Sometimes it rises up! I've figured it out!


We tend to think that others feel and think like us!

Gradually you realize that you and others are different!


"I" = "unconscious tendencies in every decision I make."


Combination of 5 elements create personality 






・Openness to experiences 

Three assumptions that all living things have

1) The basis of the programs that drive living things is

 "Prefer rewards, avoid losses."


2) We are programmed to choose what is advantageous to survival and reproduction.


3) All resources are finite.

  so we try to achieve our goals at minimum cost.




Use the word "feel."

Good feeling, bad feeling.


 When information arrives ・・

We just our actions by 

feeling good or feeling bad! 


The habits of how we feel

create our personalities


Personality is

given to you by others close to you.


We can think of it as living a role others have given us. 






・Openness to experiences 




BIG 8 

Find the right environment for you 

and work hard there. 

That will maximize your chances of success. 



People are made up of eight elements.


・Introversion vs. extroversion

・Optimism vs. Pessimism



・Steadiness = trustworthiness

・Good or bad appearance

・High or low intelligence

A large part of the human personality involves 

Genetics and the subconscious 


Cannot be changed by individual effort


Find an environment that suits you

Work hard in that environment

This will maximize your chances of success


In life, it's important to know what can be given up on 


The unconscious mind is intelligent 




Intelligence that differs from IQ and math skills

The unconscious is always learning.


A person with excellent intuition

Quick thinking

Good language skills

Likes novelty

Tend to be a bit rambunctious


Excessive empathy → divides the world 


Oxytocin = hormone that produces empathy


Favoritism within a group 


Love is a product of science.

The more we emphasize love, the more we divide the world


Interferes with oxytocin

Low empathy

Punishes people for being lazy

The reason for low empathy is to compete


Empathy helps the weak → inequality (moral decay)

Creates dependency


The downside of hard work

Will is expendable

Addiction is difficult to treat

Effort creates stress

Effort is exhausting if it lasts too long


If you suppress your desires, your study results will suffer





The truth about the "baton error" in the relay: 

Four athletes speak out for the first time...







The "Lucky Face" is now available for pre-order!!!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s