Saturday, November 13, 2021

I finished my manuscript~ and went to Nana Tanimura's concert~!

I finished my manuscript〜〜〜


I went to Nana Tanimura's concert〜〜〜


Alot of laughs afterward


She's getting published with VOICE

In March?!

「MY NOTE」We're all rooting for you

Please support their crowdfunding too. 

With Nana-san〜〜〜

Was fun. 

Thank you Hatoya Izu! 


Everyone who likes ballet, gather〜〜〜


Ayana, thank you 〜〜〜

It was delicious!


KAI-san, happy birthday! 

Ayana took us out! 


Was a fun time wasn't it〜

Grateful to everyone in each region〜〜〜

So wonderful!

"ITO(thread)" was good 〜〜〜



 "When death is imminent and the patient is no longer able to complain of pain, please do not prolong life and let the patient die a natural death"


This is very important.☆゜:*:・゜

終末期医療、自分が望む形で…「リビングウィル」残すなら元気なうちに 備える終活〈8〉 (読売新聞オンライン)「死期が迫り、苦痛を訴える力もうせた状態になりましたら、延命処置をせず、自然死させてください」 札幌市在住の熊谷幸恵さん(56リンク


End-of-life care, the way you want it...

"Living Will"

If you want to leave something behind, do it while you're still alive.〈8〉



Gasoline rises for the 10th straight week= =169yen

Highest in 7 years and 3 months--Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 



The water itself is getting even more expensive 〜


Important to buy a good water purifier〜♪


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s