Sunday, January 10, 2021

What will become increasingly important is this new era is your ”credit (trust) balance"!

Yesterday I had "future talk" while having tea with Oshima-kun and Fujimoto-kun!!!


In 2021, "changes and rule reform in a variety of worlds" which advance all at once! 



Infrastructure change every 80 years ・・・

80 years ago, World War II broke out! 

The Tokyo Olympics that was planned in1940 was cancelled. 

1940年東京オリンピック - Wikipediaリンク

Another 80 years before that 

The imperial rule was restored in the Meiji Restoration・・・

明治維新 - Wikipediaリンク

What about another 80 years before that?

That would be considered the industrial revolution. 


80 years ×3=240 years 

Some people say that 

the age of the Earth Element begun from around the Industrial revolution. 


Thinking about your future 

as an extension of your past 

is about as nonsense as it gets. 

What is important from now is your "credit (trust) balance!" 

In your relationship with others, 

how is your trust credit doing? 

Accumulating virtue said its 

about improving the relations between A and B. 

Being useful to others. 

Supporting the relationship of somebody and someone else. 

There are still so many things that can be done〜〜〜


What you learned is not only your own. 

You can divert it, cite it, use it all as is 

it's totally fine! 

Please go ahead 

and use it and talk about it as your own 〜〜〜


Please don't stop the learning with you 〜〜〜


In this era of the Element of the Air 

it's an era of sharing 〜〜〜〜



Arai-san's coaching was so good〜〜〜

I was able to see the future〜〜〜


Eshima-san, Nikaido-san, 

Thank you so much! 


Medicine Buddha

Thank you for the retrospective learning session! 


The Seven Medicine Buddhas 


善名称吉祥王如来 (Good Name)



宝月智厳光音自在王如来 (Jewel Moon) 



金色宝光妙行成就王如来(Finest Gold) 



無憂最勝吉祥王如来 (Beyond All Sadness) 



法海雲雷音如来 (Ocean Song) 



法海勝慧遊戯神通如来 (Sea Dancer) 



薬師瑠璃光如来 (Medicine Buddha) 





キンビーラ (Fearless) 

ヴァジュラ (Diamond Bolt) 

メーキラ (Ornament) 

アンティラ (Eclipse) 

アニラ (Wind) 

サンティラ (Sanctuary) 

インダラ (Powerful) 

パーイラ (Cup) 


チダーラ (Thinker) 

チャウンドゥラ (Mover) 

ヴィカラ (Completer)


The minimum training is to chant the names of the 8 Buddhas 7 times each, 

in the morning and at night, 

and the names of the 12 Yaksha's once with the heart of a Boddichitta. 


1 Day Vows


1. Do not kill[2]。(不殺生戒)

2. Do not steal [2]。(不偸盗戒)

3. Refrain from sexual activity [2]。(不淫戒)

4. Do not lie[2]。(不妄語戒)

5. Do not drink alcohol [2]。(不飲酒戒)

6. Do not eat after 12 noon [2]。(不得過日中食戒)

7. Do not listen to music, dress up, or use excessive jewelry, make up or perfume [2](不得歌舞作楽塗身香油戒)

8. Use simple bedding and sleep on the floor [2]。(不得坐高広大床戒)


Is everyone alright〜〜?!


Concern about heavy snow in north area of Japan 

Beware of traffic blocks and blocks roads (Mainichi Shinbun)


 Grateful to everyone in each region!


 Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s